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Maghreb, North Africa. A vantage point near Schicksal Vimur Labs: 


Wind soughed... "..." Raven was on top of a building holding the 3rd Divine Key. "...The Herrschers are on the run. And they are escaping on board the Guardian Dragon flying away. Are we to stand by and do nothing at all?" Asked Raven. "Give them time. That is Sire's order. "A kernel of wheat might die alone, but it shall bear so much more should it fall into the soil." She is now free with the other. Time will tell if the seed of power within her can bear fruit. Let us instead focus on something far more important." Explained Grey Serpent. Raven frowned but agreed, and shifted her focus to the distant ruins via her Divine Key.

A strange golden hemisphere covered much of the plaza in the middle of the dead city. The Schicksal Overseer created it using a golden fluid, isolating him and her Sire from the rest of the world. "I still find it hard to believe that our Sire would..." She paused shortly. "...join hands with Schicksal." "I understand your doubts, Raven. Otto is a scheming egoist who manipulates everything and everyone to achieve his goal. ...but I assure you that the deal will come through. His self-serving nature only makes our Sire's offer infinitely more valuable. The Serpent will soon rid Schicksal from its path. And the Dragon will have his wish for Schicksal to be no more to be granted by us." Explained Grey Serpent.

"...I'll obey the Sire's orders, but there are others who have personal scores to settle with Schicksal." Said Raven. "Yet they're also here as well. All our key officers have gathered here. A rare sight, is it not?" Grey Serpent's hollow voice faded away into the dusty wind. Raven suddenly began to hear ghostly voices echoing from every corner of the desert. "If the negotiations should fail, I suppose we'll attack Schicksal right here with our full might." "...... ............" "...Gray? You there?" "...... Haha... Hahahahah..." The ghostly whispers turned into a sinister laugh, that rippled out across the vast yet empty desert. Raven saw the golden half sphere dissolving slowly...

"Raven, you can put away your weapon now. Our Sire has just... concluded the deal." Said Grey Serpent. Raven put away her weapon as ordered. "Very well. We will obey the deal we have with Schicksal... For now..."

Honkai Impact 3rd Main Storyline Chapter 16: Imminent StormWhere stories live. Discover now