Part 8

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Graces POV

When we got to the gang house well more like mansion I spotted loads of people but they were all male.

"Erm were are all the girls" I asked.

"It's an all male gang, sadly no woman has ever tried out which is odd as we've given out multiple applications for undercover spies and prostitutes" He said. I scoffed. 

"Well I wonder why no ones ever joined, Need I remind you a woman is more valuable than her body why else would I be here if I wasn't a valuable team member" I shot back.

"Your here because you have a higher skill set that I've not seen in many women" He said smiling.

"Oh wow now I feel lucky" I muttered sarcastically then it hit me.

 "I'm sorry I'm training an all male gang".

"Yeah is there a problem" he asked.

"Not a fucking one" I said rubbing my forehead.

When we stopped at the front door I walked in not even bothering to look around at the people I was training however I did look at the way out and the quickest escape route. I followed Xander to my room. I heard wolf whistles all around but I chose to ignore them. Xander stopped at a big door.

He opened the door before I even knew it I was stood in a green room and it wasn't even a nice green. I faked a gag which Xander caught sight of.

"Problem" he said with a Stoney face.

"Yeah its a nasty colour" I said back.

"That is why we give all new recruits a chance to decorate" he said. I looked up intrigued at this point.

"Ok so I'm gonna need my purse and my computer let's go, go, go people knees to chest ladies" I yelled.

"Nope this one goes on the gang card here go wild" he said pressing a card into my hand before patting my head patronizingly.

"I can pay myself you know I'm not poor far from it" I said swatting his hand away. 

"Take the god damn card stop arguing with me every time I do something nice"

"You nice yeah I don't think so" I laughed dryly.

He walked out the room as I smirked in triumph. Time to go shopping but I was actually going to use my own money that's something I will never do. I fight for a reason. Wait was I going to be able to fight now?.

I sat on the bed taking out my laptop before going nuts on the whole decorticating situation I got throws, pillows, paint, bedsheets, rugs and furniture. I came across a picture with a dog in it but then I remembered that I still had my dog at my grandmas.

I sprinted out the room and ran around trying to find someone anyone. I finally came across a small female working around in the what looked like a living room I couldn't be sure with all the crap lying around.

"Hi Miss could you help me?" I asked she didn't look up but nodded.

"Ok well I was hoping you could help me find Xander I need to ask a favour of him" she pointed towards a door down the end of the hall but then I say it said office on it.

"Do you want help I have time" I asked.

"No Xander would think I'm slacking off" she said kind of scared.

"If anything happens I will personally make it my business to beat the crap out of him ok now what needs doing".

"Well all the rubbish needs picking up thank you ..."

"Oh right sorry my names Grace, Grace wells and you?" I said smiling.

"Sadie, your names so pretty" she said with a genuine smile.

"Thank you so is yours" I said picking up a bag and putting all the rubbish in about half and hour we were finally done. While we cleaned we made small talk learning fun facts about each other. I learned she was a maid for Xander and well he didn't treat her well. This made my blood boil before she carried on saying she was dating one of the men in his gang so it wasn't that bad.

When we finished Sadie went to her boyfriend who I learned the name was Sam and he was second in command. I walked to Xanders office knocking lightly.

"What?" He yelled.

"Wow great reception geez" I laughed he looked up with a murderous glare.

"What do you need Grace?" He asked going back to work

"Well to one return this I'm done and secondly I would like to ask you if I could bring my puppy here please" I said sticking my bottom lip out.

"No we don't allow pets here" he said.

"What no please you bring me here against my will this is the least you could do" I yelled.

"I said no but you might want to go get your car to get around" he said throwing me the keys to my car.

"Fine oh I'm going shop you want anything" I asked he shook his head and I left.

Now I'm not going to the shop really I'm going to get my puppy I couldn't leave him with my grandma he had to much energy and he was only going to grow I also want to get his stuff from my house.

I drove for a good half and hour before I reached my house knocking on my door. My mum answered it looking confused at first but then pulled me into a hug. I rushed past her and into the kitchen grabbing his food and bowls before I grabbed a few of his toys and bed. I then ran up to my room before grabbing his crate and giving my mum a brief goodbye before going to my grandmas to get pirate.

I ran to the front of the house not knowing how long I had been out before knocking on the door.

"Hey dear, Pirates through there how have you been?" She asked.

"Hey grandma I've been good a few changes but that's what life throws at you you have to seize it how have you been" I asked walking through to the dining room.

I looked around until I saw a blonde body under table.

"Oh you know getting older by the day but a good old bat otherwise" I laughed.

"Come here you little rascal " I called he picked his head up and ran over to me making me fall down and laugh while he attacked my face with his tongue "thank you grandma I really appreciate it" I said giving her a hug before walking to my car.

"It has been my pleasure goodbye pirate" she said giving a his one last rub and running back inside bringing a big box of cookies out. "Share these don't eat them all to yourself" she laughed.

"You know me to well" I said kissing her cheek one last time before turning to the car and putting pirate in "well boy your going to be a surprise aren't you" I laughed.

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