Part Twenty-One

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At wgm house
Suho and Chorong still sleeping. They are hugging each other

MC 3: "Wahh!! They're so cute sleeping like that"

MC 1: "Yeah,right"

Chorong get up first and she observed Suho's face carefully and touched his cheek slowly

MC 2: "Chorong ahh,why did you do that"

MC 4: "Omg!! I wish i have a wife like her"

MC 1: "Did you want to be dead with Suho?"*they laughed

Suho get up when he feels someone caressing his cheeks. He open his eyes and meet with Chorong eyes. They are staring at each other and Suho slowly getting near her and Chorong already close her eyes

MC 4: "Omg! Did Suho want to do that?"

After Suho's nose touched her nose, he kiss Chorong forehead and close his eyes back. Chorong blush and hit him

"Yah, you so naughty"- Chorong said while hit his chest

"Hehe, what's in your mind? Did you think that I'm gonna kiss you in the lips?"- Suho ask playfully

", I just don't like it when you being so naughty like that"- Chorong said frustrated

"Really? Or you really want me to kiss you in the lips? "- Suho said and getting near her

"Wh..what are you doing?"- Chorong

"I'm trying to kiss you"- Suho said and kiss her lips

MC 3: "Wahh!! They kiss for the third time"

MC 2: "Suho was so bold these days"

Chorong froze and immediately hit Suho chest again

"Yahh, it's hurt you know"- Suho

"Serve you right, why did you kiss me"- Chorong said pouted

"Okay, I'm sorry but you will miss my kiss when we're going back to our normal live"- Suho said sadly

"Emmm, okay this time I forgive you"- Chorong feels sad too

Director:"How did you feel when you remember that you guys will separate?"

Suho: "Of course I feel sad but I can't do anything about it"

Director: "If you get a chance to make her your girlfriend, are you willing to try harder? "

Suho: "Yeah, I will try harder"

Director: "When will you give up with her?"

Suho: "Sincerely, I will give up when she has someone else or boyfriend"

MC 2: "Suho really like her"

Still interview
Director: "Did you feel anything when Suho suddenly said like that?"

Chorong:" I don't know but sometimes I feel sad when he always remembering me that this show will gonna be end"

Director: "Suho said that he will try harder to make you his girlfriend"

Chorong:" Ohh!!! I don't know about it"

Director:" Did you accept him as your boyfriend?"

Chorong:" it's secret"

Back to situation
Chorong decide to make a breakfast for both of them and Suho continue to sleep. While cooking, she suddenly feel a pair of hand wrapped around her waist. She looks back and found Suho sleepy face

SURONG - WE GOT MARRIED?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن