Part Fourteen

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Today filming started as usual. They decided to meet at their filming house. Chorong arrived first and she decided to cook lunch for Suho and herself. After 15 minutes, Suho arrived while bringing the coffee for her.

"Hi, sorry I'm late. Did I make you waiting for so long?"- Suho

"No, it's okay. I'm just arrived half an hour ago"- Chorong

"Ohhh, here I buy you a coffee"- Suho handed her coffee

"Thanks, I also cook for us"- Chorong said and continue cooking

"Okay, I will wait and watched some movies"- Suho said and go to living room

After done cooking, Chorong invite Suho to eat lunch together. While eating, the atmosphere become awkward bcs they were both silent. The pd look at them worriedly. After eating, Suho said that he want to swimming at pool at their house.

"I want to go change and swimming, you don't want to swim?"- Suho

"No, you know that I'm afraid of water right"- Chorong

"Yeah, but didn't you already try scuba at Dubai?"- Suho

"Still, it's okay you can just go"- Chorong

Suho changes his clothes and Chorong just waited for him at swimming pool. After changes, he's go straight to swimming pool. Suho go inside the pool and that's make Chorong shy because she can look at suho body and because he's wearing a white shirt. Suho noticed and ask

"Did my body look so hot that makes you can't takes you're eyes from my body?"- Suho teased

"What? I'm not looking at your body"- Chorong said and turn her head feel embarrassed

"Really? So why did your face so red like a tomato right now?"- Suho ask while giggle

"No, I..I'm just.. I don't know that you have a nice body that's it"- Chorong shyly

"I know my body was so sexy right"- Suho teased

"You're so full of yourself"- Chorong

MC 2: "Wahh!! Suho become bold these day"

MC 4: *"Yeah, but I like that because we can see a lot of romance scene"* they giggles

"Don't you want to join?"- Suho said and getting near Chorong

"No way"- Chorong said and try to escape

Suho was fast, he pulled her hand and makes Chorong lost her balance and fell into the pool.

"Yah, look what you have done. I'm wet now"- Chorong said while hit Suho chest

"It's hurt, I'm sorry. I just want swim with my wife"- Suho said and hug her waist while removing her strand hair that was closing her eyes.

"What are you doing, it's so embarrassing you know"- Chorong said try to pulled away from Suho

"Can we just stay like this for a while please"- Suho tighten the hug

"O..okay"- Chorong said and hug him back. Actually she like it when Suho hug her. She feel like Suho can protect her with all his might.

- "What do you feel when you look at his body?"

Chorong - "I don't look at his body okay" *put her head down

Back to situation
While hugging, Suho ask her something.

"Chorong ahh, these few days I will be very busy because Exo will have our comeback"- Suho

"Ohhh...okay and I will support you"- Chorong

"Emmm,okay I will wait for you" Suho

"Don't you feel tired oppa?"- Chorong

"Why?"- Suho

"It's because you must to focus on your comeback and you also have to shoot this program with me"- Chorong

"You know, when I looked at you all my tiredness will go"- Suho said and look at Chorong eyes

"I'm sorry if I can't give you what you want oppa"- Chorong

"It's okay. as long as you're with me, that's all I need"- Suho

"Ohhh so sweet,when did my husband being so sweet?"- Chorong teased

"I can be more if you accept me being your boyfriend"- Suho

"W..what?"- Chorong

"Nothing, let's go out from here"- Suho pull Chorong out from the pool

At night,they enjoyed watching movie and Chorong fall asleep first at suho shoulder. Suho look at her and touched her cheek slowly and said

"When will you love me back Chorong ahh?"- Suho

"You know that I really love you right?"- Suho said again

"If you want to know, your are my long crush and I love you for a long time now"- Suho said and Chorong move a bit

Suho pulled her near him and lift her up and bring her to the room. After look at her face, he's finally sleep beside her.

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