Chapter 17: I Just Want Her Back

Start from the beginning

Ricky paused for a minute and sighed. "I really screwed up."

"Well, you want her back and want to make things right again, right?" Bunny raised an eyebrow.


"Then make it right. Talk to her."

"I can't just go to her house, knock on the door, say I'm sorry and then kiss the living hell out of her. As much as I want to do that, I can't because that's not solving our problems."

Bunny scoffed. "What problems!"

"The ones that broke us up." Ricky ran his fingers through his brown locks.

"What exactly did she say?"

"She said she doesn't know where I stand in the relationship and where my feelings are. Also about how I never tell her how I feel and more of that shit. I was upset because she was going on a date with Ben." Ricky became furious all over again.

"Ricky, you were jealous. Though there is nothing to be jealous of because she obviously loves you. Listen, you should send her flowers and then leave a note saying you're sorry and you need to talk or something. Get her to meet you somewhere. It'll be good, whether or not it works out for you. You need to talk to her. Not just for you or for Amy, but also for your son."

Ricky looked up at Bunny and smiled. "Thanks, Bunny." He wrapped his arms around her and she raised an eyebrow. Finally, she returned the gesture and then pushed him off.

"I gotta get back to work. Now go fix things with your woman."

Ricky smirked and ran out to the car.

Today was muggy and hot, and you could tell Summer was right around the corner - which it was. Tomorrow was the last day of school and Amy couldn't wait.

As she sat on the bed beside John, folding their laundry, she hummed soft tunes that were obviously comforting to John. Hearing the sound of his mother's voice made him smile.

She checked her phone and noticed Ben texted her back, saying 'it's alright'. She had told him earlier she wasn't going to coffee with him and she didn't want to talk about it. She knew he was a little upset but she didn't care. She seemed to feel a smidgen of anger towards him, knowing he started this but in reality, it was nowhere near his fault.

As she folded a pair of John's cotton shorts, she heard a faint knock on the door downstairs.

"Amy, there's someone at the door for you," George called from upstairs and then went into the kitchen. Amy raised an eyebrow and scooped John into her arms.

She walked down the stairs and immediately met the gaze of a scrawny, Asian teenage boy. He looked no older than fifteen, and he was holding a large bouquet of flowers and a card. Amy walked over to the door.

"Amy Juergens?" The boy had a deep, manly voice. Amy nodded. "Well, these are for you."

He handed her the large bouquet, which consisted of an array of colorful flowers. There were tiger lilies and purple tulips, red and pink roses, and orange and yellow daisies. Amy blushed and then sniffed them, inhaling their scent.

The boy coughed, taking Amy out of her daze and she signed the order, letting the boy leave.

"Who could these possibly be from?" Amy cooed to John. She walked over to the living room and set him down so she could read the card.

We need to talk...

P.S. I miss you.


Amy bit her lip and brought the flowers to the kitchen to put in a vase of water. As she shuffled through the cupboard to find an appropriate vase, she thought about talking to Ricky.

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