Chapter 10: A Headmistress' Speech

Start from the beginning

She flashed a peace sign that charged up the students a second time.

Haruka deadpanned even more. She had admired their headmistress before but now if she were able to flash out a peace sign instead of a proper apology to their students, then she really did began to doubt her skills.

"WE DON'T MIND AT ALL WE LOVE YOU HEADMISTRESS!" a girl two rows below them screamed making the rest of the bunch started screaming afterwards.

The brunette looked like she was about to throw up. She wanted to leave and just go to her room until all of this was over.

" This is going to be a long ride." she thought to herself as she slides down her seat.


The speech continued for quite longer  than Haruka had expected and she couldn't wait for it to finish. The sudden exclamations of admiration to their headmistress really turned her off and the woman not even doing anything worth stopping the claims just put more wood to the fire.

So to be frank, she wasn't listening at all.

The girl only pulled up a headset and just listened to her heart's content all the while staring at the screen on the stage. She tried her best not to fall asleep and she was lucky that atleast she was able to do that.

It was already 4 in the afternoon when they exited the auditorium and Shinzuki said that he had somewhere to be leaving the three in place.

"What do you want to do now?" Keiko asked as he steps in forward, trying to be the substitute shield for Haruka.

The brunette was about to open her mouth when a finger pointing at her stopped them from their conversation.

"Isn't she the girl who defeated that fae with a simple kick?" a girl with short brown hair and green eyes eyed her cautiously.

The girl beside her with a yellow pixie cut and piercing blue eyes that formed an angry look nodded.

Both didn't even try to hide their voices. It reached the poor girl wide and clear.

Feeling scared of the sudden talk about her, Keiko stepped forward and beamed at the two. He was much taller than the girls were leaving a much intimidating impression.

"Hey." he said in a much lower tone than when he usually speaks. "What were you both saying towards my friend?"

She couldn't see the face he was making but she was sure that it had to be frightening enough to make both run towards the hallways.

A smug smile etched on Keiko's face.

"See! Now all the bad guys are gone!" he said with such a bright and cherry tone that you could hardly believe he was the guy who scared two little girls earlier.

Berry only stared at the two with a look of confusion.

"Okay, what is wrong? Is something the matter?" she asked crossing both her arms.

Haruka sighed as both began telling the tale of Haruka's first period fight.


"Oh." the ravennette was speechless at the story. "But you don't have any powers right?"

Haruka nodded and covered her face with both hands. She had also told them about her plan of staying low but because of what happened there's no way people would pass what she did down.

"What do I do???" she groaned pulling back up. Her lime orbs stared onto the sunset. The wind was blowing softly onto her hair. It was the perfect moment.

Only if she hadn't screwed up so bad.

"Shinzuki does know about this right?" Berry asked.

Both blonde and brunette shook their heads. Oh right. They had forgotten to even tell him.

"I guess I'll tell him later." Keiko said opening his phone. "It's getting kind of late. I suggest we all go back to our dorms now."

They all agreed and Keiko being the gentleman that he is, brought the girls to their dorm before heading to his own. Saying something along the lines that she would be alright and that they would be there despite whatever's happening.

The comforted look Haruka gave him was enough to tell her she was reassured enough and he finally left for his dorm.

"Keiko? There you are. I've been wondering when you'll come–"

"Rumours." he said plopping onto their couch. "It's just the first day and there are even rumours circulating around her."

The other boy laughed a little at his words. "Well, you know our little Haru. She's always full of surprises."

Keiko only looked at his phone and back at him.

"You know about the rumours right?" a stern glimm beneath his glasses. "About the fae."

"Rumours spread fast here in Alceria." Shinzuki said drinking a glass of water. "Of course I already know. Heck even the 5th years probably already know."

"And are you going to do anything about it?" he asked making the older boy look back at him.

"Of course, I'd do anything to protect my little Haru."


Welp this chapter was certainly entertaining to write lmao

Haha the boys are not that bad dw guys they just wanna protect Haruka.

Also I've been kinda loosing some motivation to finish this story. Not really. It's more like I was writing something else that catches my interest more lmao.

Anyways ilyall and pls take care of yourselves in these trying times.

[[TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED]] Haruka Unknown: Blissful Begginings [[ Book 1 ]]Where stories live. Discover now