Chapter 5: The Man In Desperate Need of Some Chapstick

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"I know," Bakugo frowned.

"And Midoriya," Dad's voice didn't change. "(Y/N) saved you, huh?" He glanced at me. "You made a bit of progress during the apprehension test. You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over again. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you can do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya,"

"Yes, sir!"

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, you'll have to..." He paused for dramatic effect and I could tell my classmates were thinking about another test. "...decide on a class representative," They all looked relieved before Kirishima jumped up.

"I want to be class rep! Pick me!" He waved his hands in the air.

"Me too!" Kaminari raised his hand.

"I want to do it, too," Jiro raised her hand.

"It's a job made for m--" Aoyama started but was cut off when Ashido jumped in front of him.

"I'll be the leader!" The pink fluff ball waved her arms happily.

"My manifesto is for girl's shorts to be 30 centimeters above the knee!" The perverted bunch of grapes, AKA Mineta, yelled, his eyes wide and a light blush on his cheeks.

"Let me do it! Me!" Bakugo yelled, steam coming out of his mouth. I chuckled at the look on his face. I felt eyes on me and turned, locking eyes with Todoroki. He quickly looked away, a light pink tint on his cheeks. Weird.

"Silence, please!" Iida yelled. Everyone stopped yelling and looked at him. "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one,"

"Why did you suggest that?" Kaminari asked.

"We haven't known each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?"

"If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves..."

"Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can truly be considered a suitable person?" Iida defended his claim, turning to dad who was zipping himself into his sleeping bag. "What do you think, Mr. Aizawa?"

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over," He flopped down on the floor, most likely going to take a nap.

"Thank you very much!"


We decided on an election and after voting the results were displayed.

Izuku Midoriya - 3

Momo Yaoyorozu - 2

(Y/n) Aizawa - 2

"I got three votes?!" Midoriya yelled. I was confused too. Who voted for me? As far as I knew, I wasn't a candidate.

"Why Deku?! Who voted for him?!" Bakugo stood up, a very angry and confused look on his face.

"Well, it's better than voting for you," Sero commented.

"What did you say?!" Uraraka whistled, trying not to be suspicious. I deadpanned. Definitely not suspicious.

"Zero votes," Iida grit his teeth, clearly disappointed. Yaoyorozu and Sato commented on him not voting for himself.

"Then, the class rep is Midoriya and the deputy class reps are Yaoyorozu and (Y/n),"

"S-S-Seriously? Seriously?" Midoriya was still confused.

Naturae (BNHA x Son of Aizawa! Mother Nature! Male! Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ