Chapter 1

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The cold moves in only to meet the warmth of her blood, her defense against such ice. The cold licked her face and crept under her clothes, spreading across her skin like the lacy tide on a frigid winter beach.

The loud and disturbing sound of several footsteps, quiet fuzzy chit chats and wheels rolling over water puddles, mud and gravels splashing the liquid on both sides, propelling and sending away aggregates like birds jumping in emptiness in an attempt to try their first fly only caused the dizzy woman to retrieve her consciousness once more slowly, while the uncomfortable feeling of laying on a trembling hard and cold surface only made her open her eyes tiredly and curiously in order to see what was happening during the moment she was sleeping.

But then as she yawned in exhaustion silently while covering her mouth since this gesture was rather impolite, she wanted to rub the sleep away from her chestnut brown eyes with her other hand so that she could see clearly and cheerfully greet the egg yolk sun, slightly hidden by snowy white or gray clouds disposed linearly, organically or like a mosaic.

In her surprise, she was unable to do so... Instead of freely moving her hands, she heard a metallic sound like a chain being dragged on the non identified floor, and that same hand couldn't move any further without having its partner follow its trail... That's when she was confused.

She burst her eyes open ignoring her falling and heavy eyelids and forcefully cleared her vision by blinking a few times to get rid of the blurriness, then she hesitantly took a quick look down at her hands but only to realize that she was being handcuffed tightly... And who in the earth deserved or was victim of this? Prisoners and slaves...

'What the heck?' She thought puzzled, not having a single clue of what was going on as she didn't remember anything of what happened since she has just woken up and her mind was still messy... Perhaps, she was still daydreaming like she hoped so.

'I'm just tired... This is a whole dream... I had a hard day and I fell in a heavy sleep, that's all...' She reassured herself mentally and naively... She believed in it hard like iron and so, she started forcing her own self to wake up by peeking herself or just by shutting her eyes tight... After all, if it was a dream and that she knows it, then she's having a lucid one and it won't last any longer after realization, but unfortunately this one did after 5 minutes of hopeless tries.

That's when she started being nervous, body senseless, heart beating faster than a drum concert while all she could hear from now on is the uncomfortable sound of her own rapid unsteady heartbeats. She feared to face reality, mostly when her mind started reassembling all the fragments of memories she has lost in the previous few hours making her even more anxious and worried about what will be left of her next.

Where is she being taken? What was waiting for her? What kind of life will she have to experience or get used to from now on? This said if she ever has the chance to remain in life, then what if she gets tortured? Are they going to kill her? Why did they take her in the first place? What has she done so illegal to deserve this? Who are they in the first place? Is nature just being a slut with her? Wasn't just the unfortunate event several years ago punishment enough?

Sure she acts strong sometimes, she is confident, stubborn and not timid at all while deep inside, she is fragile, sensible and soft like any usual kind hearted person... But she has to act strong to pass her paroles in public during her work that required certain qualities to weigh in her society and gain a certain social status so that people won't mock her, oppress her and bother her for the only reason that she's a woman, plus she's in a solo mode, she has no brother to protect her and she barely sees her parents. After all, life is merciless, sure it's a stern teacher making sure to make a mature and responsible person our of you no matter what kind of tool or card is used whether it's bad or good, but it won't smile at you or make any gift either... Life will get in your way to test you and will never simplify or flatten and straighten it, simple as that... It'll turn out to be basically the law of the jungle, the law of the strong on the weak... So if you think that appearing weak will help you in any way including having people helping you out by pitying you, then you're wrong... You can wait all the time you want, you'll rot in your place while witnessing younger children growing and getting old, but it'll never happen, just because it's your own fault, you have chosen laziness while having the means to ameliorate your state... For this is also the law of her society, work hard to benefit everyone including you, and everyone get what they deserve... Laziness is after all one of the seven deadly sins.

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