Chapter 15: Jealousy

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"I've been waiting for Summer for sooooooooo long." Amy slurred, putting her head on her arms; letting the sun soak into her back.

Ricky felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, then let out a loud tune. He groaned.



"Yeah?" Ricky raised an eyebrow and then looked at the number on his caller I.D. Protected.

"Yes. It's the nursery calling. We tried calling Amy but her phone seems to be off. Well, we are actually closing early today due to a small mix up in shifts. So we're asking for parents or guardians pick up their children at three o'clock today instead of usual pick up time. Is that alright?"

"Yeah sure." Ricky agreed, then realizing he doesn't get off school till three thirty. He could probably just skip.

"Thanks. Have a nice day." Then she hung up.

"Who was that?" Amy voice was muffled, seeing as her head was still in her arms.

"The nursery. They need us to pick John up at three today." Ricky explained, then began rubbing small circles on Amy's back. She let out a soft moan, followed by a shiver then went down her spine.

As they both began to slowly drift off into their own world, Ricky decided we would go and grab something to eat from the cafeteria.

"Be right back." Ricky stood and left Amy sitting alone. She shrugged and closed her eyes.

"Amy?" A familiar, soft, velvet voice asked. She lifted her head and fixed her hair.

"Hey, Ben."

"How have you been?" He awkwardly stood there.

Amy raised an eyebrow, absolutely baffled as to why Ben would decide to come and talk to her seeing as he hasn't for quite some time.

Ben actually decided to come and talk to Amy because he wasn't sure of his feelings for her. So maybe if he could be friends with her or just hang out, he could be more clear and sure about them.

"I've been great actually. Yourself?" Amy answered, feeling a sense of awkwardness.


Amy just nodded. "Umm, do you want to sit down?"

"Sure." Ben accepted, sitting down and making himself comfortable.

"So how's John?" Ben inquired while handing Amy half of his sandwich when he noticed her lack of food. Her smiled with absolutely dazzling and Ben's heart raced.

Amy smiled with gratitude and grabbed half the sandwich. "He's good. And thank-you."

Ben flashed his teeth wildly and took a bite. They sat for a few minutes in comfortable silence.

"Listen Amy, I really want us to be friends and I noticed we haven't even though we've already talked about... us... and I think we should be great friends. I still want to see John and yourself and still maintain a friendship with Ricky." Amy looked up at Ben through her lashes. "I just miss you Amy. Oh and of course John, too."

Amy blushed and wasn't sure what she could say. So she said what she was thinking. "I'd like that Ben. And I miss you too."

Suddenly, Ben's eyes went elsewhere then he gathered all of his things and stood. "Well I better go find Grace. Bye!"

Then he ran away.


Amy turned around to find Ricky walking towards her at a fast pace, his face had many emotions but mostly he seemed bewildered and angry.

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