K: "We will be playing a game Secret Hug. You will each be going one at the time pick and read a question but none of the members will know until you watch the show. You will then hug the member you think it suits from behind."
A: "Not until we watch the show?"
E: "Exactly who wants to go first?"

Looking at the girls I stand up

E: "The youngest first"
H: "She's also the leader."

Heading towards the questions I pull one which causes me to laugh hard. Holding it up for the camera

'Who are you worried about?'
S: "This ones easy."
E: "Easy?"

I slowly walk behind the girls and wrap my arms around Artemis

K: "Why did you pick Artemis?"
S: "Because no matter what I'm always thinking about her, Artemis this isn't in a good way."
E: "So nice Serenity"

Both Selene and Hazel gasp before laughing.

Se: "We think we know the question but don't want Artemis knowing."

Walking over to them I let them whisper the exact same question. I nod that they are correct. Sitting back down Artemis gives us all confused look

H: "This question only fits Artemis."
A: "how does it fit me?"

The three of us ignore her

K: "Artemis your turn to pick the question."

She gets up and picks the question

'Who are you jealous of?'
"This is hard"

She walks behind us debating on who to pick. Arms wrap around me which causes me to freeze

E: "Why did you pick Serenity?"
A: "It was between her and Hazel but when I really thought about it I could only think of Serenity, this is in many ways."
K: "Can you three guess what the question is?"

I tap at my chin after she sits down. I shrug my shoulders

S: "Only think of is if she's jealous of one of us which she's openly said she's jealous of me."

Eunhyuk and Kwang-Hee share a look and ignore my comment. Hazel gets up to pick a question

'Who do you want to be closer with?'

She goes behind us and picks Selene. What she says makes me think it over. The two used to be so close. Selene stands up and picks the question

'Who can you talk hours with?'

Selene picks Hazel. The two of them were friends when we they where trainees.

E: "Each member got picked once."
K: "Yes"

They read their cue cards

K: "Serenity has stated that she hates aegyo but yet she's the best at it."
E: "Why do you hate it?"
S: "I don't like forced and fake aegyo but if it comes out naturally as well as by accident I like it. I can't force the aegyo because it'll be awkward."

Eunhyuk gives me a blank look which causes me to laugh.

E: "You say hate forcing it yet do it around the hyungs."
S: "That's because it happens naturally with Super Junior, all of you treat me like a little sister so it slips out."
A: "Please Serenity you use it when you want something."

I pout at her comment

S: "You know what Artemis I don't want to be your friend anymore."

My voice was slightly like a baby before I started to laugh. We move on to next segment which we had to act cute and then sexy.

K: "Serenity will go last."

I nod and watch the girls. I felt myself cringe in pain. It's so bad I turned so I wasn't looking. Eventually it was my turn. I firstly act cute and then sexy

K: "How are you able to do both."

I shrug my shoulders I sit down. We keep discussing things

E: "Now it's been four years since you where last on the show let's bring back some Black Magic."

I know when this episode is aired it will be a very quick transition from one set of outfits to another but we have to get changed.

( Ignore the guy, White Top- Selene, Red Top- Artemis, Green Top- Hazel, Black Top- Serenity)

( Ignore the guy, White Top- Selene, Red Top- Artemis, Green Top- Hazel, Black Top- Serenity)

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(1. Hazel, 2. Artemis, 3. Serenity, 4. Selene)
As soon as we finished we spoke shortly before saying goodbye. We had fun it was different compared to the last time we were last on the show.

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