I sighed and leaned back against the soft cushion of the couch as my mom got up and walked into the other room with her phone in her hand so that she could call Angela. I really hope that this teacher is nice and that I will feel comfortable singing around her. The last thing I need is to have some old teacher that has no idea what she’s doing and criticizes every little thing I do even if I know for a fact that it’s right. Its people like that, which I absolutely despise since I always have trouble standing up for myself. Mom always tells me that I need to be more assertive towards anyone who criticizes me but, she doesn’t realize how sensitive I can be towards people who talk to me like that. It’s amazing how fast my confidence level can drop by just the way someone raises there voice towards me.

I got up off the couch after a few minutes and walked into the kitchen where my mom was still talking away on the phone as she leaned up against the counter with her elbow rested on the soft marble pattern.

“Yes she has been taking voice since she was seven years old and she’s fifteen now, so about eight years or so………… We just moved here from New York actually so she isn’t able to take voice from her old teacher anymore……”

I sighed and sat down at the table, sitting on my hands as I swung my feet back and forth in boredom. “So Friday is good then?......... Great, we will see you then………. Okay……. Bye.”

I watched as my mom hung up the phone before setting it down on the counter with a smile.

“Well she said that we can go meet her on Friday as soon as I get out of work,” my mom said with a grin to which I returned.

“Is she nice?” I asked curiously and she nodded.

“She sounds like a very nice lady, Ally, I’m sure you will get along with her just fine,” she said as she patted my back before walking over to the fridge. I rested my elbows on the table and combed my hair back with my fingers as mom pulled some milk out of the fridge.

“How do you like your new job?” I asked curiously and she instantly smiled, her face brightening.

“Oh my god I love it! There are so many nice people there and we all got along just fine. I’m already friends with some of the other nurses there; they are all just so nice.”

I smiled feeling happy that she was enjoying her new job. The last thing I needed was for her to stress over it and absolutely hate it. I knew that she didn’t get along with a lot of the other nurses at her old work so it’s nice to see her warming to her new job already.

“That’s great mom,” I said happily and she smiled.

“Yea and one of nurses who I became good friends with named Marry was talking to me during lunch earlier. She told me that she actually has a son that’s your age and goes to your school, she wanted to know if you had met him yet.”

I sat up a little in my chair with my brows furrowed, wandering who this person might be.

“What’s his name? I asked, wandering if I might actually know him even though I’ve only been going to the school for one day. I highly doubt that I knew who it was since I didn’t learn very many names today but, who knows, maybe I’ll meet this person in the near future. She took a long sip of her milk before setting the cup down on the counter and answering.

“Jesse. Jesse Phillips I think is his last name?”

If I had been holding something in my hand at that moment it would have most likely been on the ground right now as my eyes instantly widened and my heart stopped. She cannot be serous; my mom is fucking friends with Jesse’s mom. That’s just fan-fucking-tastic, why not just put a sign on my head saying ‘embarrass the hell out of Ally’. I just know that she’s going to tell his mom every single detail about me and then his mom will go home and tell him. I can’t have that happen! I know I shouldn’t even be caring because he is just some random person at the school but, I don’t know I just don’t want him to think I’m weird or something.

The voice of an abused girlWhere stories live. Discover now