"Doesn't matter! Point is, you're clearly not on my side anymore," Bdubs says. "I can't trust you anymore."

"Dude!" Ren says. "If I didn't tell Doc about it, you would've blown up the mountain, and he would have been after you! I'm on both of your sides." He didn't like seeing his friend fight, nor did he like it when they hated him.

Bdubs still had his arms crossed, slowly getting used to the idea, but still didn't look him in the eyes. "Still don't know if I can trust you," he says in a childish manner, very softly.

"Fine, what do you want me to tell you for you to trust me?"

"First, tell me why are you so invested in me and Doc's argument?"

"Because you two are friends."

Bdubs scoffed. "Hah! Friends. I've been arguing with him the day we became neighbors."

"What are you two even arguing about in the first place?" Ren asked curiously.

"Are you kidding me? He-!" Bdubs stopped. "I-" he hesitated, looking deep in thought, calming down a little. "He settled in the area I wanted and he-" Bdubs stopped again, trying to think.

Ren stared at him, eyebrows raised. Bdubs didn't remember why, did he?

"How did we end up with half of the same house again?" Bdubs mutters to himself. He stopped again. "Is it even the same house?"

Ren remembered Doc complaining to him long ago, back in the other world, the one the other hermits lost memories of.

"Damn Bdubs, he screwed me out of 10 diamonds!"

Ren had stared at Doc who looked angry. "We have way more than that, why are you so angry?"

"He took half the house I wanted to get for us!"

Ren stopped. That's right.

He had forgotten that Doc was going to buy it for them. They already had a place together but it was something new, something they hadn't really done before, an actual house instead of a base-like-building.

His heart hurt, thinking about him and Doc like that again. The times where they joked and poked fun at each other, comforted each other in their times in need, and just kept the other company in times of silence.

"Doesn't matter," Bdubs continued, snapping Ren out of his memories. "He still settled in the same exact area I wanted to settle in!"

"Didn't you move to a new area?"

"Yea- wait, how'd you know that?" Bdubs looked at him.

"You told me, remember?"

"Dang it," he cursed under his breath. Bdubs sighed. "You really are stubborn, aren't you, Ren?"

"So are you, dude," Ren paused. "So, are you two gonna make up or what?"

"God-! Fine," Bdubs agreed with a huff. "You go talk to him first and I'll see him tomorrow. And you better be there too! Otherwise, he'll just kill me again, and then you can forget us making up!"

"I'll be there, don't worry."


Ren watches as Doc works on something in front of Goat mountain. He sits to the side, watching as Doc places redstone, not wanting to interrupt him. He sits, thinking back on the times where he'd look over from his building and watch Doc work. He was alright at redstone, but Doc was amazing at it, and it never ceases to amaze him.

He's not sure how long he's there before Doc finishes and finally notices him. "Ren?" he says, dusting his hands on his pants of the redstone that collected over the Goat Mountain project.

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