Birthday Morning

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Photo of my character (me) above

"Wake-up birthday girl," I whisper in my little sister's ear. Jessie shifts to the side and her red hair drapes over her back and she still will not get up. "I made your favorite biscuits with honey a link of sausage and crispy bacon," I say as my sister sniffs the room and raises. I slowly sit on the bed next to my sister stroking the purple linen.

"Really?!" She asks rubbing her eyes.

"Of course silly it is your birthday so you get to choose what we do today except when you wake-up, " I say with a grin. Jessie rolls her eyes.

"Sounds good to me," Jessie says and finally smirks a little. We both rise from the bed swiftly in sync. We begin to hum random tunes from the fireside the night before and head to the kitchen.

"I will get yours take a seat Jes. Milk I assume?" I ask already assuming the answer is yes.

"Thank-you and Yes please," Jessie says practically drooling at the smell of bacon. Jessie takes her seat at the wooden chair in front of a square old wooden table. I grab out two plates and two forks and a knife and the honey. Briskly, she walks over to the food she has prepared and begins plating it all. The sound of clanking silverware was too awkward of a silence for Jessica I assume so she says,"What was your thirteenth birthday like Josie?"

"It was the day I became a mom and two days later became a mom and dad. You probably do not remember you were only eight but I do," I say making my way with the food then goes back to the kitchen for milk recalling the disappearance like it was yesterday.
"Thats true I am sorry I asked," Jessie says glumly biting her lip. At that moment I am recalling the day the safety circle had a reaction to something our mom had that was made in Neverland and killing both her and our dad. Angry that this happened I took it down afraid it would happen to my sister who had the same bracelet. Jessie came home to see her parents lying dead in her house. Two days later Johnny was wandering not knowing what to do as an eleven year old boy with know parents got kidnapped by Peter Pan.

"That was the past and he will be brought back," I say as I finish up my breakfast. Jessie nods and finishes her's and takes the dishes back to the kitchen. I am still sitting and slowly rise when she comes back.

"Look at the top shelf of your closet to find t-"I start to say as Jessie is already darting to her closet.

"Two new outfits. Who did you kill for the money?" She asks. I pick up the plates in silence while reliving the killing of the Prince of Shadows.

"If you must know it was the Prince of Shadows because he was close to killing Princess Snow White and Princess Belle in their carriage," I say reassuring her it was not a dark cause which Mirene probably assumed it was.Jessie slowly comes out. "You look beautiful Jes," I smile gazing over my sister.

"You really think so sis?" Jessie asks curiously.

"If you do not believe me go look for yourself," I suggest pointing at a new mirror. "The princesses gave that as a reward the money was from their parents,"I explain as Jessie curiously makes her way to the mirror. Jessie looks at herself in a daze. I think she looks beautiful.

"I am getting so much older. If only Jonny were here," Jessie says sadly.

"I do to sweetie maybe tonight we can arrange a trip to Neverland," I say smirking at my little sister who now has a sparkle of hope in her eyes and I hope it will work we have tried for years but I know I can not give up.

"What do we do until nightfall?" Jessie asks as she twirls around in her blue flowing skirt. She giggles as I grab her hands and joins in.

"Well first we need to brush our hair and teeth and then it is all up to you," I say twirling Jessie around in circles and joins in the giggling that turns to cackling and snorting. We gallop gracefully to the restroom. As we open the wooden door there is a tapping on the front door. Jessie remains in the restroom. I, however, head to the door and slowly opens the ancient black door. No one is there but a box with a note saying Jessie. I pick up the box and read the note allowed as I walk towards Jessie and Jessie smiles as she listens. "For my dear Jessie. Happy birthday darling you are finally thirteen! Boys will start coming after you and that beautiful red hair of yours! Here is a bow to help, it will match the blue and pink outfit your sister has given you I hope you like it, it will not hide your hair. I promise my little freckled face friend! My brother talks so highly of you he picked it out he knew you would love it. He has a note for you too. Love Edward (Eddy) Hampston. " Josie pauses and then begins reading the note from Eddy's brother, Jessie comes out of the restroom and we both sit on the couch. "Dear Jessie I hope you have a wonderful birthday. You are my best friend and I am glad to have the pleasure of saying that. You, Will, and I are the three musketeers and nothing will change that. Thirteen years ago God sent an angel to the Earth, with beautiful red hair, freckles, green eyes, and dazzling smile and her name is Jessica Lynn Roster. God bless you on this day and days to come promise to never forget me. Love your brother/best friend, Andrew(Andy) Hampston." Silence as another tap is on the door and Jessie rushes and catches Will running away as another box lies outside the door. Jessie smiles and picks up the box. She begins to read the note as Josie smiles assuming its from Will and his father and heads to the bathroom to brush her hair.

"Dear young Jessie Happy Birthday! You are now thirteen practically a grown-up darling! I hope it is another great birthday I know your parents would be so proud of the young lady you have turned into! Your kind heart reminds me much of your mother and your bravery reminds me much of your father! Jonny I assume wishes you a happy birthday and wishes he could celebrate it with you and do not give up sweetheart he may be able to! You have a wonderful older sister looking after you and I can tell she is raising you right for you are a wonderful young lady and I am glad my son calls you his best friend. He speaks so highly of you and Andy. Especially of you! I hope you can make use of the bow and arrows William picked them out he said you would enjoy new ones since your old ones have broken. Love Mr. Derickson" Jessie smiles and sees the note from William. I smile knowing Will knows her sister so well. I walk out after brushing my teeth to hear his note to her. "Dear Jessie happy birthday to the most beautiful angel! You have a heart of gold and strength of steel! I admire that about you! Thirteen years ago God sent his most beloved daughter and angel to the enchanted forest of all places! Now I have the privilege of calling that angel my friend! Not just any friend but my best friend! It is hard to believe thirteen years ago you and I met for the first time and I somehow knew even as a baby I would do anything to protect you and you would do the same for me! We are only days apart, but the knowledge you have never ceases to astound me! Your flawless red hair with waves that fall beautifully down your back, your little freckles that you get each time you touch someones heart, your green eyes that shine like beautiful emeralds in the sunlight except your eyes shine even in the darkest times and nights, your smile that makes everyone smile and brings joy to everyones lives, your arms and legs that protect the ones you love and serve those in need, your hands that are hardworking and warm, and most importantly your sparkling personality that draws everyone towards you and your compassionate heart and brilliant mind! Happy birthday Jes! Love your brother/best friend William (Will)Derickson." Jessie is almost in tears.I smile and wink at her.

"Those were some deep letters sis," I say as we head outside walking on the dirt walkways leading to the forest.

"I know. They are so sweet. Now I say we head to the mountain top and just chill there until it's time for dinner," Jessie says.

"Ok want to invite your 'boyfriends' to come with you," I ask they head out the door feeling the sun's rays warm their faces.

"They are NOT my boyfriends. They are my BEST FRIENDS there is a difference and if you do not mind yes I would. First we should probably get our swimsuits assuming we plan to go swimming," Jessie says smartly to me and as she heads back to the front door.

"Whatever and ok," I say trailing behind her. I grab my swimsuit that was just hanging on the shower head and Jessie gets hers from the dryer. As I get dressed she remembers her best friends being taken from her at that very mountain by Peter Pan. Helpless I think aloud,"I will protect them." In fear of Jessie's best friends being taken as well. If she I see him I will kill him, I sneak my bow and arrow into my bag. Memories of them fighting for their lives unarmed and innocent. All I saw was a glimmer in Pan's eye as he smirked at me and left with both of them one being carried by his shadow. His death will be the victory for lost boys everywhere. "Jessie will get her wish," I smile in a broken mirror before she leaves the room.

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