It's all my fault

Start from the beginning

No one's POV

"Valt," Chris asked .
"Yeah ?" Valt said while waiting on a chair.
"Why was Free hit by a car ?"
"I'll repeat again . Why was Free hit by a car , VALT ?!"
"He pushed me out of the way , OK ?! The damn car was going to hit me but Free pushed me out of the f*cking way !" Valt said while shedding tears.
"Why , why , why , WHY ?!"
At this moment ,the surgeon came out from the emergency room.
"Doctor ! How's my friend ?!" Valt immediately asked.
"The patient had a big impact on his head which cause him to fall into a coma. But don't worry , he will probably wake up in the next or two days." The surgeon said patiently and walked away.
"Thank god , he's not injured badly or else I don't know how to forgive you, Valt," Chris said while giving a death stare at Valt .

Valt's POV

She hates you

I know

Everyone else probably hates you too

No they don't ...............

You're lying to yourself .

I'll know if they hate me when they come and visit him.


After everyone arrived

"We heard what happened! How is Free ?!" Sasha asked in a worried tone.
"He's fine . He'll wake up in the next few days," Chris said while staring at Valt.
"Why was he hit by a car ?" Silas asked curiously.
"Ummm.........." I said. Shit , how do I tell them it's my fault.........

Tell them the truth and you'll know if they hate you !

But I'm not ready........
"Yeah , why was he hit by a car ?" Rantaro asked , repeating Silas's question.
" I-I..........." I can't, I'm too sacred ,I'm not ready.
"Valt , tell them what happened....." Cuza said crying a little.
"I-I............" I looked up and saw everyone staring at me. Guess , I have no choice.
"I was walking on the road. I didn't notice a car was heading towards me. Free shouted my name and pushed me out of the way. The car hit him ...........instead of me......."I immediately looked down after finishing. I'm to ashamed to look at them.
"Ughhh, you're always so careless," Silas said in an annoyed tone.
"If you didn't join BC Sol in the first place, none of this would had happened! So many people left because of you. And now Free is injured because of your carelessness. Things would be better if you leave !" Silas said.
"Not cool !" Rantaro said , defending his best friend.
"He may be careless but this was an accident! Who could predict that this would happen ! I'm sure Valt doesn't want this to happen either !" Rantaro said.
"I agree ," Cuza stood up for his friend.
"Me too !" Kit said.
"But if he was more careful , Free wouldn't be hurt !" Sasha said , not agreeing.
"And now Free is hurt , how are we going to do without our best blader?!" Rickson said letting his temper take over.
They're fighting because of me........

Finally , you understand

But at least honcho , Cuza and Kit still likes me.......

They're just faking it

Huh ?

They don't want to see you cry. You cry like a baby. They don't want to hear you cry loudly. They still want to use you. They wouldn't want your mother coming and blame them for you making a fuss.

They think of me like that ?

Yes , everyone hates you. Daigo, Ken ,Wakiya and Shu probably regretted being friends with you. They see you as a weakness. Daigo and Shu said so themselves. Remember when Daigo broke your bey? You were making a ridiculous fuss about it.

........ but I thought they-

No they don't ! Don't you understand ?! Gosh ! You're so stupid ! Can't you understand such a simple sentence?! They hate you !
They hate you !
They hate you !
"SHUT UP !" I shouted , why can't that voice just leave me alone !
"Why are you telling us to shut up , Valt ?" Rantaro asked.
"Yeah , don't you want your friends to defend you ?" Silas said while rolling his eyes.
"Valt , you okay ?" Cuza asked in concern.
"I'm quitting ," I said while looking at Chris who was shocked.
"Wait what ?! Valt , you can't quit ! If you quit , what will we do without you ?! You're basically the second best blader in BC Sol !" Kit said shocking to hear that .
"Most of you want me gone , I'm just doing everyone a favour, aren't I ?" I said while smiling and tears falling down my cheeks.
"I-I didn't mean what I said !" Chris said , regretting what she had said before.
"I don't care , it's very clear. All of you hate me and you're just using me , right ?"
"Why would you say that , Valt ? Are you okay ?" Rantaro asked starting to worry about his friend.
"I'm leaving" I started walking out of the room.
"Wait, Va-" I cut off Kit by saying " Don't follow me"

Rantaro's POV

"See what have you guys done !" I shouted while watching my best friend walking away.
" Cant you see he's sad ?!" Cuza said , clearly angry too.
"We're sor-" Chris wanting to apologize.
"Well sorry can't help us now ! Can it ?!" I argued back.
I hope you'll be okay , Valt

Valt's POV

I'm currently packing all my clothes in the hotel room. I'm leaving this place and BC Sol. I want a fresh start. After checking out , I decided to go to the park near a lake.

At the park which is near a LaKe

It's so peaceful here . Not a lot of people are in the park right now. I watch as the sun sets , enjoying every moment of it.
I wonder how are they ? It's only a few hours , are they happy ?

Of course they are . And you should too.

But my friends are probably worried , maybe I should go back and apologize.

They hate you remember?


Why don't you go for a jog ?

I guess.........

I started jogging on the streets while passing by various of shops. I turned into a dark alley and it was a choice I regretted a lot.

"What are you doing here , Valt Aoi ?" Theodore Glass asked.
"It's none of your business,"
"Kids these days..." Theodore said while smirking.
"What do you want ?"
"Heh..... oh nothing really,"
I need to get out of here , I tried running back but there were 2 men wearing a mask. Wait why do they look like the ones in the snake pit . Wait , don't tell me..........
"Where do you think you're going , kid~ ?"
"What do you want from me , Theodore Glass ?!" I shouted.
"I just want

I looked at him in horror. Just then someone covered my mouth and nose with a cloth. Slowly , my vision became blurry and I blacked out.

1695 words
Another chapter done. Now I need to do my home-
Me : what is this ?
Valt : But aren't you going to do homework ?
Me : Bye ! Gotta watch anime !!!!!! Handsome Valt and Free ! Here I comeeeeeeee !

What is going to happen next ?
Why does Theodore Glass want with Valt ?
Why does homework exist ?
Wait for the next chapter

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