Chapter 1: Heated Meeting, Consequences

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Note: This is for fairygenius


Traditionalized in demeanour and conduct the town they had found themselves within kept by itself, quite divided from regular routes of road commonly taken by those traveling, it did not display itself to be a town welcoming to those differing descent. In an attempt to keep himself somewhat concealed from a recognizing glance, he had chosen to keep his long hair upheld in a high standing ponytail and wear a quite regular yukata which hid well any muscle he would otherwise display as a shinobi. While walking amongst the stalls he so recognized the common design of and finding a particular type of approval with their make; it was under his own reluctance, but Madara acknowledged himself to be a man who would likely find accustomization and comfort within his present surroundings being as he was rather adapt to and possessing of a traditional mindset. Yet, despite his elder worn mind it was his decision to leave the town, discomfort had settled upon him within its borders, more specifically; it invoked the image of Konoha.

However, regardless of his want to leave, he found himself distracted and manipulated by a particular affected urge deeply settled inside, which could be labelled as lust. Madara found it further then strange as he hadn't a feeling particulared as such since he had resided within Konoha as a respected member of his clan. Naturally, he looked around himself in an observance of the area for a plausible cause, his assumption being ninjutsu, perhaps, developed by a seduction target squad. In glancing he found a grouping of men and women all staring down in the same direction, some even in the midst of beginning an argument. Further oddity bore the fact that all of their second genders were 'A', being as his own instincts were starting a reaction, the most reasonable of assumptions was simplistic; an 'O' class gender was nearby. Being as Omega's were quite rare and most persons would find themselves settled with one of Beta origin, the amassed amount of interest was expected. Despite this being a truth, the Uchiha found their actions beyond dishonourable; for as it were within his time those rare O's borne were properly courted and treated as precious additions unto society, not harassed into a corner and fought over.

Madara chose to interrupt; partly upon the urge of his instinct baring in instistance, however, mainly as a man of tradition protecting one who was likely unable to defend themselves. He intruded the gathered grouping easily, his height showcasing itself dominantly afore those of shorter make. Finding their object of interest being a young man, whom appeared to be a shinobi of his old village, a sight Madara found rather shocking as Konoha had forbidden O class persons from ninja work many decades ago -and had kept the law implemented to his knowledge.- Still, the blonde had maintained his ground away from the Alpha's harassing him, yet his face was reddened, while his hands shook Madara could well recognize the cause: Kobi-ki; mating season. It remained unlikely that the child would find a plausible method of escape, therein with a sigh made quite heavily a founder of the village hidden in the leafs found himself saving a young child from a grouping of traditionalized ruffians whom knew not the meaning of chivalry. He sighed once more at the depressive scene he had come upon.

Clearing well his throat, Madara released a low pitching growl deepened for one particular cause. It fastly drew the attention of those being licentious, further, once he forced a scowl many of them fled. One remained in bravery standing herself tall, returning his growl with a stomp of her foot and a threatening leer. As a calling within began to resonate in his mind, he responded, this time his growl near echoing in intensity. Frightening the women challenging him, she whimpered, bowed, and retreated. Meanwhile the object of their dispute had collapsed, unable to maintain his strength further. As the persons around could not be trusted, Madara forced himself to pick up the teenager.

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