New interns?

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"Hey Y/n" said Mr. Ramsay. You had been working here for 3 weeks by now. "We have new interns who are going to be working with you." A new girl enters the building. "Um hello... Im the new intern" "Oh hello i'm Y/N" "I'm Kristina" *ding ding*. Someone came through the door , again. "Hey im a new intern" " Oh! both of you are here. Great. Okay go collect your nametags Kristina and..." "Alissia" "Yes go get them and then go to the staff room." You go to the staff room. "Uhm Y/N?" says Mr. Ramsay. He sounds really vulnerable right now. "Cute" you said under your breath. "What?" " Oh nothing" "My wife.... just asked for a divorce" said Mr. Ramsay. You really felt bad for him, but couldn't hold in your smirk. "Why are you smiling?!" He raises his voice at you. You kept smiling. The other interns entered the room. "Are we... disrupting something?" "Uh no" says Mr Ramsay. "I actually also just go off a call with Mr. Seven. He's coming with his fiancée, Alyssa." "When are they coming?" said Alissia. "Soon." You can't get that moment out of your head. When he screamed at you... You felt.. horrible but... in a good way. What is this feeling? you asked yourself

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