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"I've been looking for you everywhere!" Sarah finds me when I return outside.

"I'm here now!" I try not to sound too aggressive, but I completely fail. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that."

"My brother?" she asks, and I answer affirmatively, "Can I ask you to forget that for a minute?"


"Do you remember the map of Tannyhill I offered you? I might need it back for a day."

"Why now, Sarah? Are you going on a treasure hunt?" I laugh and then I realize: Treasure hunt, JJ at the party, map of Tannyhill.

"I just need it, I promise I'll explain later."

"Yeah, I don't think so. I thought the gold was under the sea." I try my luck, to understand how much of it she knows.

"How do you-- "

"Tom, he told me about it. So, they need my map?"

"Yes. John B didn't want to involve you, but I told him that Tom had no idea where the map was. Am I right?"

"Yup, Tom would've never found it."

"So, can I borrow the map?"

"On one condition." Sarah waits for my requirement. "I'm coming with you!"

"I guess you can come, but don't let anyone know about it, okay?" I nod. "We have to be at Hawk's Nest at 9 pm. We don't have much time, so go get the map and return here as soon as possible."

I do as she says, letting my dad know I'm heading home already. At home, it doesn't take much time until I find the map. Sarah gave it to me, and a bunch of other documents, when we moved here because she could tell I was interested in finding more about this place.

When I return to Sarah's place, I almost run into Rafe, completely drunk. That's the last thing that I need right now. I find Sarah, and then we head into the Hawk's Nest.

"I'll take it from here. It's best if John B doesn't know you're here, okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" she tries to look carefree, but I don't buy it, so I just hug her and wish her good luck.

After what it appears to be an eternity, I hear Sarah screaming for help. I run to where she is, and I find her crying near John B's body, lying on the ground.

"Hey, can you open your eyes, please?"

"Sarah, what happened?" I ask her, but she doesn't answer.

"Sarah, what happened?" JJ repeats my words, worried

"Sarah, what happened?" JJ repeats my words, worried

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"I don't know what to do. He needs help. Topper shoved him." What she says makes me petrify. Tom hugs me and tries to calm me down.

"Where the hell is he?" JJ asks angrily

Heavy • Outer BanksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora