The New Kid

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Today is the first day of school for me! I honestly can't wait. I moved here to Vaniville about a week ago and was given the week to settle into the house I'm staying at, which Professor Oak generously provided. I still don't know what I'm going to do with a 2-storey 5-room house when I'm the only one staying in it, but the Professor insisted I take it. He also enrolled me into Vaniville High, where he's been teaching for the past year. He gave me a tour of the school and showed me a picture of his grandson, Gary Oak, saying I could always approach Gary if I needed a friend, which I was grateful for.

I woke up with a shock and a laughing Pikachu. After chasing my starter around the room, I washed myself clean of the soot, before changing into my clothes. I got breakfast ready for myself and gave a bottle of ketchup to Pikachu. We walked out of the house with my 6 Pokéballs attached to my belt, although I didn't intend to use them. Not after what happened. My other Pokémon are still in their Pokéballs back in my room. 

As I walked to school, I could see friends greeting each other and cliques forming up. Soon enough, a honey blonde girl reaching her group of friends, which included Gary, came into view. I recognized that girl because she was the first student from school I've met, if you could say that was a "meet". I felt a Pokéball shake, and I knew Greninja knew what I was thinking. We have done quite a bit to help the town, and they've started calling him the "Crying Greninja." As much as he dislikes it, the name holds truth, but only because he feels the same emotions I do. That honey blonde was the first one we helped from that gang of bullies in school, and coincidentally she's my neighbour. 

I made my way to the office to get my schedule, and was looking through it as I walked out of the office, unaware of my surroundings. Pikachu was also too busy finishing his bottle of ketchup on my shoulder to alert me of the boy I walked into.

"Hey! Watch where you're going kid!" It was that bully who hit that girl in the alley.

"Hey... You're new aren't you?" he asked with a devilish grin as he gripped my collar and Pikachu jumped to the floor beside us with sparks from his cheeks. "I guess you could use some educating. I'm Calem-" More like Camel... "- and I'm the boss around here! Capiche?"

I simply dumbly nodded before getting thrown to the floor as the laughing Calem walked away with his gang. I got up and dusted myself while gesturing with my hand for Pikachu to calm down, which he did. I began walking to my first lesson as I felt the stares of everyone in the hallway on me, and the occasional whisper of gossip passed around. This was going to be a long first year...

Serena POV

 I forgot to say, in the school's food chain, the new kid is fresh meat...

My friends and I watched on as the new boy and his Pikachu made his way to class after his confrontation with Calem. Dawn and May were talking about how cute he was, much to Drew's annoyance, while Gary and Misty were thinking of battling him. Clemont, being the electric type fan he was, was simply analyzing the Pikachu and how well taken care of it was. I just stop and stared. He looked oddly familar. I shrugged it off as him having one of those faces.

??? POV

I watched as a new kid walked into the classroom with a Pikachu beside him. 'Pffft, another pathetic loser,' I thought to myself as the school bell rang and the other students flooded into class after the teacher.

A/N: Shorter chapter but I just thought it was enough for now.

The New Kid: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now