Chapter 1: before the plan

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(You are Charlotte)
Charlotte was NJHS most non liked girl but she had a couple friends that goes to her school. Charlotte had the biggest crush on Michael Chong aka slimedupmike.
Charlotte POV:
I was walking threw the school Waugh my books against my chest and my water bottle in my hands. I was on my way to my locker since it was the end of the day and I just really wanted to go home. I had seen mike down the hallway and he was with Derek, Kobe, Vallyk, and Irwin. As I was staring at mike, my brother Luis came from the other side of me and said "ya know it's kinda rude to stare at what's not yours". I know what you guys are thinking wow the infamous booty bandit is your older brother and yes he is but I swear he can be the dumbest person alive.
Young Luis: Charlotte look a bird
Young Charlotte: just stares at him
Young Luis: no really it's a bird
Young Charlotte: I think it's a plane lui
Young Luis: no it's not char look
*charlotte looks out the window*
Young Charlotte: I was rig-
*Luis pushes her head into the widow*
Young Charlotte: owww lui
Young Luis: the booty bandit strikes again. Until his next strike he will vanish.
* Luis runs into a wall and stumbles back*
Young Charlotte: seems like the booty bandit needs to watch where he's going.
Young Luis: MOMMY, IM HURT.
~Flashback ends~
He may be dumb but he is a good older brother...Most of the time. Luis the patted my shoulder and told me he'll wait for me in his car. I stopped staring at mike and put my books in my locker. If only mike would just give me a chance, than maybe oh maybe he would know that I'm really not that bad. Until he figures that out, I guess I'm stuck in the "not acknowledged"zone. I went to the same school as him for half my life and yet he still didn't notice me.

Booty bandit🦹🏻‍♂️👀: hurry up or your catching the bus home.
Charlotte NC😇😘: Alright, Alright I'm coming.
I walked out to Luis car and when I say he picked up some speed in the car, I mean he went fast and furious fast.
We made it home, did our daily things, and went to sleep.

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