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Good Luck Lali

My best friends greeted as I saw the three year up seeing me in my purely white wedding dress and veil on top of my perfectly done hair "don't you dare cry Unnie's" I said wiping my tears as they were ready to roll down any second trying not to ruin my make up " you need to go we will wait for you hwaiting!" They said hugging me and left.

I'm now behind these two doors waiting until it's time for me to head inside. I saw the faces of my friends almost crying while smiling sweetly as my dad took me to the aisle and handed my dear precious hands to my husband

We're now telling our vows

"I Jeon Jungkook, your husband will respect you, honor you, and cherish you as long as we both shall live. Today I take you to be my wife and vow to help create for us a life of honesty, fidelity, trust, and love. To love you not as some idea of you, but as you truly are. To grow with you, learn with you, and to live out our days hand in hand." He said and smiled sweetly ending his vow with great sincerity

"I Lalisa Manoban, your wife will take your love to give me hope, give me joy, and make me a better woman. I promise to listen, to hear, and to always consider your feelings and thoughts as we travel together on this journey. I vow to love, honor, and cherish you, forsaking all others, as a faithful wife as long as we both shall live" I read my vow tearing up

"And you may now kiss the bride" and we connected our lips together hearing applauses and cheers.

We're now in the venue and Currently with our friends sitting and chitchatting stuffs "So you two congratulations" Yoongi oppa who was with Jennie unnie congratulated as we both smiled towards him "so how many child do you want kook?" Asked Taehyung which made us flustered

"Isn't it too early for that tae?" Asked Jisoo unnie "I was just curious Soo go eat your chicken" He replied pointing at the chickens Jisoo unnie has on her plate

"So you guys are going to Jeju for your honeymoon okay" Namjoon oppa said making the both of us confused

"But we didn't book any" He replied seeing our friends chuckle"We booked you one" Jennie unnie answered making me flustered I mean why?

"W-what?" I asked stuttering in shock while my husband rubs by back "It's a wedding gift you got to stay there for two weeks the flight going to be tomorrow six am" Irene unnie noted smiling while leaning against Taehyung.


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