Prologue: Enemy Unknown

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The site's intercom then activates as the voice from the woman from earlier starts to speak in a tremulous tone. "Attention. All Parasites to the docking bay. I repeat all Parasites to the docking bay. An unknown Klaxosaur type has entered into the vicinity of the site."

Five boys and five girls then come hurrying into the docking bay. Either asking each other questions or making small chit-chat with one another. Then two each stop in front of their respective Franxx and enter into them. It only took less than a minute for their start-up sequences to finish and the faces of the Franxx come to life.

"This is code 182. We are ready for combat," the lead Franxx spoke as they stood up and started to move outside to defend the site.

Then the camera switches once again. This time showing the view from the outer wall of the facility as the group leaves the bay. Before the camera switches to that of Code 182's point of view to show what was standing across from them. Giving the doctor his first true look at the mystery Klaxosaur.

From what the doctor can make out. It was a jet-black humanoid Klaxosaur standing a little more than a mile away with its arms crossed and tail swaying. With the sun on its back, it made making out the finer features hard. But he could still tell that the thing was roughly the size of a Franxx with a tail that was about as long as it was tall. From its forehead protruded a bright celeste-colored horn with two smaller ones just behind the temples.

The Franxx squad and the Klaxosaur stand there for what seems like forever. Both parties seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move. That was up until one of the units started talking with one of its squad members. "What in the world is that thing?"

"I don't know." One of the Franxx let out before the sounds of thrusters became audible. "All I know is that thing is mine!" They finish as the suit rushes off toward the monster.

"Wait! 690, 456 stop!" The lead Franxx yells out. But it was already too late. By the time their words had reached them, they had already started their attack on the beast.

The Franxx quickly thrust its lance toward the body of its enemy. But at the last moment before it could react. The Klaxosaur side-stepped the attack before knocking the weapon away and coiling its tail around the unit's neck and head. Before it then it returned its gaze to the group while still holding the Franxx.

There was small chatter from the shocked Franxx about what to do next. Along with it were the cries for help and mercy from that of 690 and 456. Then came the harsh metallic buckling sounds. Within a few seconds, it was clear to everyone where it was coming from. The head of the Franxx was being crushed by the tail of the Klaxosaur. And that sound was their head failing to withhold the pressure placed on it.

Most of the group stood in under shock at how quickly things had horrifically unfolded. Two Franxx from each side of the lead broke from their paralyzes and rocketed forward like how the other had. Leaving the other two to attempt to rescue their friends. Unfortunately, before the Franxx could make it halfway to the Klaxosaur. A final loud scream echoed out and got cut off as the captured Franxx head imploded. Causing the two Franxx to stop dead in their tracks.

The whole group watched in horror as whatever was left of its head of the Franxx had started spraying out magma energy between the slits in the tail. After a few seconds, a look of anger spread across the two Franxx as they flew even faster towards the beast. Dead set on avenging their fallen friends. The Klaxosaur then reacted by tossing the lifeless unit behind itself. Before giving quick glances at the two Franxx that were now rushing to its left and right. It then assumes a defensive stance towards the one to its left and prepares for their attack.

With the Franxx to the left of the Klaxosaurs arriving first. It had prepared a literal head-on assault by using the shaft of its spear to strike the side of the Klaxosaur's head. Instead, the beast managed to grab a hold of the weapon before it hit. With it then turning into a power struggle over the lance. As the two giants fought. The second Franxx prepared to make a surprise attack on the monster's back while it was preoccupied.

Darling in the Franxx: Cold BloodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ