Chapter 3

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For no soul can ever be replaced, and death claims a beauty and a magnificence that will always be missed.--- Joyce Soriano 

Reid faced the group of police officers that stood waiting for their profile. He was confident in this profile, it practically wrote itself. 

Hotch cleared his throat. "We're looking for a white male, between the age of 40 and 50. He gets pleasure from careful mutilation of his victims."

Reid picked up. "We believe that the spree began because of a psychotic break. The unsub is caught in an aggressive state, taking his aggression out on familiar faces. The mutilation tells us he has had medical training and is most likely a doctor."

Morgan continued. "I understand curfew is currently being enforced. That being said curfew will not bother this individual. We have reason to believe that he has kept up relationships with his victims before abducting them and killing them. He then takes them to his dumping grounds and finishes." 

Prentiss added the last touch. "For some reason he seems to be targeting young males who have an affinity for science. The men who have attended Dr. William Schneider's organic chemistry class should be warned of the prospective danger. Thank you." 

Hotch looked at his team, "fastest profile we've ever given."

The phone rang and Garcia's cheery voice rang through. "Sir? I have thoroughly inspected all the classmates from the organic chem class and one guy stands out to me. Henry Chaser, only took that class, none others. Everyone else had taken at least one other course at the school."

"That's not that unusual Garcia." 

"Oh I know sir. It's the long list of mental problems that accompany Mr. Chaser that stands out to me. Poor kid, he had depression, OCD, and BPD. Probably borderline schizophrenic. He had a very unhappy childhood, sir, he spent most of it with his abusive father." 

"Garcia we need addresses."

"Already on it." 

Two black SUV's raced out of the precinct and headed out towards the main road. 

"Chaser's starting to look like our guy." JJ said. "There had to have been something that made him lash out." 

Morgan nodded in agreement. "The kid had an abusive father, never had a father figure in his life right? Maybe he latched onto Dr. Schneider as that father figure and when he saw other people get in the way of that relationship, he couldn't take it." 

The SUV's pulled up and the BAU got out. It was a dingy apartment and about two code failures from condemnation. They lined up in front of the apartment door and counting down, burst in. 

"Henry Chaser, FBI!" Prentiss whipped her gun around a corner and into the next room. "Clear." She called out in a few seconds. The apartment was dejectedly clean and bare. Only a mattress lay on the floor next to the window. 

"This looks like a safe house, or safe room." Reid commented looking through the cabinets. "There's nothing in these cabinets and hasn't been for along time." 

"But why would he need a safe house? He's a student, who is suffering from severe psychosis, there's no reason for him to need a safe room." Rossi said. 

"Or this could just be his room and we're looking at an individual with severe mental problems." JJ offered.  

"Still, it doesn't feel right." Reid muttered. 

Hotch walked over. "We need to talk to Dr. Schneider again. Talk to him about Henry Chaser. Garcia, I need every last bit of information on both Chaser and Schneider."

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