Chapter 2

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Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us--- Oscar Wilde 

One year ago.

It was generally known at the FBI that Dr. Spencer Reid was a brilliant man. Barely 30 and he already had an established career at the BAU. But Reid was humble, he didn't let things like that get to his head. 

What he did let into his head however was the overwhelming amount of information concerning genetic engineering, a subject he had done some light reading on last night. 

His thoughts of reengineering genes were interrupted by the powerful voice of Morgan. "Ah there he is. Bright and early as usual, seriously kid, do you ever show up late?"

Reid laughed and shrugged. "Morgan, the probability of me getting stuck in traffic is extremely high, in fact--" 

Morgan laughed and raised his hands helplessly. "Forget it,  you know what whatever works for you, works for me."  Morgan turned and bumped into JJ who looked exhausted. "JJ, long night?"

JJ smiled at the two, her eyes drooping from lack of sleep. "Yeah, Henry didn't sleep at all. Came down with a cough." 

The two voiced their concerns and she laughed. "Oh, it's nothing, he'll be fine. Will is taking the day off and I can sleep on the plane."

"The plane?" Reid looked at Hotch's office. Garcia was in there, guess they did have a case today. It had been a while.  

Morgan crossed his arms and leaned against the desk. "Finally, I've been craving some field work." 

After a few minutes Garcia announced that they had a case and they assembled in the briefing room. 

"Alright my lovelies," the blond began, her back to the screen as usual. "Before I begin I would like to remind each and every one of you that there is good, and brightness in this world, and--"

"Garcia." Hotch motioned towards the screen.

"Ugh," she turned it on. "Ok, so as you'll see, police in Provo, Utah have come across several bodies all within the last 48 hours. You will find closer pictures of the victims in your files because, " she blew out a deep breath of air and continued. "I'm going to need that file on baby kitten pictures." 

Reid flipped to the pictures in the file and let out a slight gasp. He had seen his share of brutality, that's just what the job required, but this was horrific. He looked up and made eye contact with Prentiss who looked slightly sick. He glanced back down, it had to be bad if it made Prentiss sick. 

Rossi cleared his throat, his eyes stuck on the pictures before him. "Well, judging from the extent of torture and mutilation, the Unsub might be taking joy from this. A sadist, to the fullest extent." 

Hotch looked at Garcia, "Have they been able to identify the victims yet?" 

Garcia glanced at the screen. "Yes, I've sent the names to you, and called the police department in Utah to call in the families of the victims."

Hotch nodded and then turned to address every one. "I know that you know this is a spree killer. Time is of the essence here, we cannot spend time on trivial things today. It will be hard, but we have to push out a profile as fast as possible to take this killer down. Understand? Good. Wheels up in 30." 

The plane took off shortly. 

"Alright," Hotch addressed the group that huddled around him. "Victimology, what links these deaths." 

"They're all white males, look's like mid-to late 20's." JJ offered. 

Reid was studying the pictures, "They were all killed in the same type of area. Dry, rocky not much grass. How did they get out there?" 

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