Chapter Four: Stay

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The gardens were a perfect distraction for Malak. His duck friend was right. It was more beautiful than the park. There were a ton of beautiful flowers for the young angel to look at. Every single color was so distracting to the young angel. He loved everything about nature.

There were a few humans here as well which interested Malak. They had some strange habits like spraying themselves with some sort of spray or weirdly shooing away things in the air. Some of them also smelled really bad while others smelled heavenly. This was very strange to Malak as all angels smelled the same and all demons smelled the same. There was no unique smell to them.

Even with all these distractions, Malak couldn't stop thinking about the handsome demon. He felt lonely after the demon ran away. This feeling confused the young angel. He didn't even know the demon yet he missed him. Everything he felt towards the stranger was new to him. It was even more distracting than the gardens.

Still, Malak tried to focus on the wonderful nature surrounding him. There was no use thinking about the silly demon. He should enjoy the gifts around him. The angel smiled at a small beautiful flying creature. It's brilliant orange and black wings were the best thing he's seen in this entire garden. He wished he knew what the elegant creature was called. Malak was so interested in the being that he didn't notice the demon watching him.

Finding his mate was fairly easy. All Zion had to do was go back to the park where he last saw his mate. He immediately noticed a duck starring at him funny. It was common knowledge to demons that angels could speak to animals. Demons had to be extremely careful when talking to each other because of it.

He figured his mate talked with the glaring duck. He decided to try and get some information from the duck. The duck was pretty stubborn but Zion managed to crack him. After the duck told him everything, he figured the first place he should look was the public gardens a few minutes away.

His mate stood out amongst the humans. It could have been the fact the angel was his mate. But Zion thought it was clear that the angel didn't belong on Earth. The young angel appreciated the nature around him far more than any other human. That made the demon smile. His mate was so precious.

The demon felt weird just watching his mate. But he didn't know how to approach him. However, when he saw his mate's mood change, he knew he had to do something. Zion didn't know what he was going to do but he didn't like seeing his mate frown.

As soon as Zion got close, he saw his mate smile as he saw a monarch butterfly. The demon softly chuckled as his mate's eyes widen and watched the butterfly. There's no way he could approach now. He didn't want to ruin his mate's happiness.

The winged creature landed on Malak's hand causing the angel to freeze. As much as he loved to look at the beautiful being, he knew nothing about it. It could poison him! Or, even worse, he could accidentally kill it!

"You need to relax, Angel. It's just a butterfly," a husky voice said from behind him.

A butterfly... such a weird name for a beautiful creature. Malak looked at the butterfly with curiosity, wondering if it had any special abilities. Then, all of the sudden, he realized something. The being behind him called him angel. He turned around and gulped. The handsome demon was standing behind him, looking at the angel. Was he back to take his soul?

The demon sighed, noticing the angel's fear. He didn't like that his mate was afraid of him. "I'm not here to hurt you or anything. I promise," the demon informed his mate. He even raised his hands up slightly to ease the young being's fear.

"You- you are not?" He asked softly, still worried.

Zion studied his mate. It didn't appear that he knew Zion was his mate. Though from what the duck told him, it'd make sense. "No, I'm not," Zion replied.

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