Chapter 26

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Olivia's POV

The piercing sound of my alarm makes me groan, blindly reaching my hand out to turn it off before it manages to wake Conor up.

06.40, I sigh, not really in the mood to leave the comfort of the bed and my very much handsome company for a gym class.

But duty calls and I only have myself to blame for the early start, willingly having chosen to stay the night with Conor last night.

Speaking of which I turn my head to the side, studying his sleeping form next to me in bed, his even breathing indicating that he still is fast asleep.

I smile, thankful for the fact that at least one of us had managed to get some much needed rest.

He needed it even though he doesn't want to admit it and I carefully push some of his curls up and away from his slightly clammy forehead, pressing a soft kiss to the now exposed skin.

I will probably never admit it but seeing him here, completely relaxed and content I know I never want to be anywhere else. I want to be his, I want him to be mine.

Shaking my head I pull myself out of bed, making sure the duvet is still covering him before I leave him to get changed.

It's weird how I feel as though I have to make sure he's alright, that I feel bad leaving him. Yet he's nothing to me, a nobody, someone I fuck for my own desires.

Why do I continue to come back?

Why does he continue to invite me over?

The flat is quiet as I pull on my jeans I'd worn yesterday, finishing the look off with one of Conor's hoodies before I walk downstairs.


Jack's hoarse morning voice makes me jump, my hand coming up to rest on my chest as I stop in my step just outside his bedroom.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just-"

He chuckles, waving his hand in the air as to tell me that he understands.

"I am a light sleeper in the mornings, Conor usually wakes me up as well, you're all good"

I nod, trying to force a smile onto my lips in an attempt to make the situation less awkward, something I don't know if I succeed with in the end.

If I call Conor a stranger then Jack is even less than that and avoiding an awkward encounter when the time is just past 6.30 in the morning after less than two hours sleep I swear is next to impossible.

"Oh, he wakes up early or?"

I still haven't really figured out when he starts his days, usually leaving before that point.

"Nah, he comes back around this time, leaves for the studio at midnight usually. Anyway I should let you go, you probably have somewhere to be seeing you're up at this time of the morning"

He winks, beginning to walk back into his room, only to stop and turn around in the middle of it.

"Thank you by the way, for coming over, it means a lot"

I nod, unable to come up with a suitable word to reply with and also getting interrupted by my phone vibrating in my hand. My car had arrived.

"Well, bye I guess"

As the lift doors shut behind me I pass my hands over my face, finally able to relax and be no-one but myself, Olivia Thompson.

It's weird how comfortable Conor is with me yet how much I still put up an act each time I see him.

He'd opened up last night, let his guards down and how I wish I could do the same around him but I just can't- yet.

I also say "yet" as though I'm planning to come back again, without really knowing is this is the last time I'll ever see him.

My driver is quiet much to my own delight and I rest my head back against the headrest, my exhausted body sinking deep into the seat of the black Toyota Prius as we drive through the rather empty streets of London.

The time is just over seven when we pull up outside my flat and I force myself to walk the two flights of stairs when all I really want is to slump down on the pavement.

How will I ever be able to work out?

But somehow am I able to get myself to the gym on time, and before I walk through the doors do I type out a quick text despite knowing I shouldn't.

Morning, had to leave early. Everything is going to be alright, you're stronger than you think. Remember, healing has no timeline xx

I pull my foot up onto the bench I'm sat on, beginning to tie my laces in silence.

"Gosh I'm not ready for this"

Kayla, who's come with me for this morning's workout, gather her hair into a ponytail where she's stood in front of the full length mirror.

Shooting her a forced smile I quickly tap my phone to check for a message that could ease my worries. A message from Conor telling me that he was awake and was doing as well as he possibly could at the moment.

But nothing, my screen still blank from notifications like it'd been less than ten minutes ago.

I sigh, shaking my head. I need to move on, live my life. He is a full grown man who is able to take care of himself and I have in no means any responsibility to take in this situation.

He's not my boyfriend, not my brother, not anything that meant I have to care. Yet still here I am, worried sick after what had happened last night, scared that he's going to tip over the edge if I'm not there.

"What's up?"

My best friend looks at me through the reflection in the mirror, her eyes scanning my face when I don't immediately answer her.

"I'm fine"

She rolls her eyes, turning around with her arms in her sides as if she is my mum.

"Olivia Jane, I know you well enough to tell that you in fact aren't fine"

Her voice is stern, yet no louder than a whisper as she watches me from the middle of the gym's changing room.

She'd never been the one to tell me off, that had quickly become Chloe's role in our friendship.

So having her do exactly that has taken me a back slightly.

" 'm tired, slept bad last night"

It wasn't a lie, I had in fact slept very bad and when I finally fell asleep it hadn't even been two hours until my alarm woke me up to get me to the gym from Conor's in time.

"Bad excuse but imma let it slide"

She reaches her hand out to pull me up from the wooden bench, her previous frown now turned into a smile.

I roll my eyes, following her out into the gym with a new spring in my step after having read the text I'd received only seconds earlier, suddenly a lot more excited to work out.

I'm alright, only just woke up. Sorry for last night, I'm not usually like that -CM xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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