Chapter 15

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Conor's POV

I jog towards Joe's building, a kind older lady holding the door open for me. I shoot her a smile and a quick thank you before walking over to the lift, pressing the button for the top floor. He really is living in luxury.

I'm late by half an hour but I'm pretty sure Joe's counted that into the equation, knowing me well enough by now to add an extra hour on each time we met up to do something.

The door is locked as I try to open it so I knock, taking a step back as I wait for Joe or Jack to let me in.

"Conor, hey man-"

He pulls me into a one armed hug, closing the door behind me as he does so.

"Hiya, sorry I'm late, meetings you know, dragged on for longer than I'd planned"

I follow him into the kitchen, dumping my jacket onto the football table, searching the lounge for any sight of my younger brother.

"Late? Didn't Jack text you? He had a video to get done so we pushed filming back until six"

Sinking down on one of the bar stools I pull my hands through my hair, something I'd started to do way too much lately, even my friend Alex had started to comment on it nowadays.

"I don't know, haven't checked my phone in a while actually"

Joe looks at me from where he's stood across the island, having just grabbed a couple of beers out the fridge.

"Are you alright?!"

I shrug, turning my head to look out over the busy street Joe had outside his building, people out and about hustling and bustling to get home from work on time.

"It's been a bit rough recently actually"

A young couple holding hands catches my attention, a feeling of numbness washing over me as I follow them walk along the embarkment.

"I was joking, but shit, what's going on? Do you want to talk?"

He actually sounds concerned and I quickly turn back to look at him, surprised by the fact that he genuinely seems to care.

It's not that I thought he'd be selfish, it's just that boys not really talk about deep shit and Joe's never been good with emotional support, that's a known fact.

"Haven't really been sleeping lately, just up thinking you know, about stupid unnecessary shit, and then it's the anxiety on top of that. I just wish I knew how things are going to turn out"

I sigh, accepting the bottle of Corona he's handing over, quenching my thirst with a large sip of the golden liquid.

"Yeah, I get you. But you're continuing releasing music, or?"

It is a question I still don't know the answer to but I really don't like thinking about it.

"If people continue listening. I really like doing the YouTube thing at the moment, it's easy and the fans seem to enjoy it. I've got songs written but right now they're far too personal for me to be comfortable with releasing them"

I can see the shock on his face as I look up at him and he quickly shakes his head when he notices I'm looking.

"Just, you know, don't give up or something. You've got a talent Conor, I know we mock you for not releasing music but I honestly didn't know that you were thinking of quitting. I'm- if it's something I can do to help, I don't know, offer you my office for recording or just listening when you need it, I'm here, you're always welcome, mate, always"

This Is My Version; A Conor Maynard FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now