So... I guess this is the perfect time to address the issue. Right?

"Oh, And about what happened at the-"

"It's cool. I feel like we've both moved on from that." He said cutting me off. Finally easing the the tension in my body. I felt like I could finally breathe again.

D'andre being so forgiving counteracts everything I've ever thought of him, and I'd  really love to go further or take another step in rectifying things between us one day.

We finally ended the call, and I began dialling a different number on my phone, Hoping they'd answer.

The phone rang for a split second before the person instantly answered.

"Ayo Val. I need ur help with something."

"Not again, but I'm listening."



"Mmmmm" I groaned in my sleep, as I titled my head into a much comfortable position. Feeling quite rested, but awfully uncomfortable, I began to slowly open up my eyes.

Before I could fully open them up I made a slight movement making my body throb in agonizing pain, down my spine and neck.

"Sssssss... Ahhhhh" I hissed and moaned, as i could feel my body continue to throb harshly.

I tried lifting my arm so I could feel on the painfilled areas, but instead I struggled to move them. Looking down at my arms I realized that they were tied up with rope.

In fact, my whole body was tied up on a chair facing a large floor to ceiling window.

I became highly anxious and tense, oblivious of what was happening to me, and my first instinct was to scream for help.

So I did.

"HELP!!! SOMEONE PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!! HELP!!! HELP!!! help! Help me please!" My voice breaks as I scream the last help.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Somone please!!!!" I scream. Hoping it's loud enough for someone to hear me.

"No one's coming to help you." A voice said, making me rapidly move my head in many directions. Trying to find the person who spoke, despite the pain I felt in my neck.

"No one can hear you. We're in the middle of nowhere." I looked to my right, and there stood a man in a dark corner sitting in a chair pointing towards the floor to ceiling window.

Looking towards it, I saw a bunch of trees, mountain land scapes and open fields. Which meant we were somewhere far from civilisation.

"See, no one's gonna hear you." The man said as he continued wiping/cleaning up something he had in his hand with a cloth. I couldn't see what it was, but it made me feel a bit nervous.

"Who are you, and what do you want with me? I haven't done anything wrong. You probably have the wrong person. Do I owe you money or something.  What do you want?" I asked in confusion.

"I-" I interrupted the man.

"Are you human trafficking me? No... are you a kanable. If u are, please make this fast, cause I have a serious case of algophobia. It's the fear of pain, so if you make this fast I probably won't really feel anything. So go." I said as I closed my eyes waiting for the man to take my life in a swift manner.

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