018- Dinner

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018- Dinner

Later that same Friday, the class had some written work to do, courtesy of Mr Aizawa who had promptly fallen asleep at his desk. He eventually woke up, and watched his class work away with half lidded eyes.

"Bakugo, get on with it, stop staring at Y/N."

There were a few stifled laughs before the room soon turned to silence again.

Katsuki snarled in frustration before scribbling away at the paper with his pencil.

Aizawa gazed at the clock on the wall in surprise. How long had he slept for? At least it looked like the students had kept working even though the teacher was unconscious for half of the lesson.

"Ok everyone.. pack your stuff away. We are done for the day. Finally..."

Y/N carefully placed her books into her bag, careful not to bend the pages. She zipped up her F/C backpack and slowly walked out the classroom door, waiting for Katsuki out in the hall. Usually they walked to the dorms together, but today was Friday so they could go home for the weekend.

He stepped out of the classroom and approached Y/N.

"Y/N, my mom wants to meet you... tch, old hag- so uh, will you come over for dinner?"

"Really? Of course!" Y/N lunged forwards and wrapped her arms around the boy, who eventually did the same.

They were so close Bakugo thought he could hear Y/N's heart beating. He took notice of her H/C hair, which smelled like (favourite scent) conditioner.

"Let me just send a text home, one second.." Katsuki watched her type away on her F/C phone before she returned it to her pocket.

**a/n: I haven't mentioned Y/N's family because it's up to you what they're like! Their quirks, names, how many siblings etc. So they won't be mentioned often.**

Y/N had only been to Bakugo's house once, they had walked past it and he proudly pointed it out, so she roughly knew where they were headed. Still, he stayed in the lead, showing her through his neighbourhood.

They reached the building she recognised as Katsuki's house. He reached for the door but before he could a woman wearing an apron flung it open.

She had blonde spiked hair just like Bakugo, as well as his red eyes and intense stare.

"KATSUKI! You're late! What were you doi- oh, you must be Y/N! Please, come in!"

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