Chapter 3: More Kurumi

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(Your POV)

Kurumi: "Ara~ Ara~ I didn't expect you to transfer here too"

I was at Tengu City High-school since I registered myself, and I need information on This space quake thing since I couldn't find a library

You: "I only transferred for Information Gathering. Since I'm interested in what Japanese culture has. And it just must be a mere coincidence that we got into the same class"

Kurumi: "Or~ you're just Jealous that I'll be in the same class as shido-San"

You: "shup up. Before I Crystal you dead. Stupid clone"

Okamine: "You two can come in now"

We both enter the room by sliding the door open, meanwhile I quckly muttered 4 words

You: "ESP search: shido itsuka"

As a tracer quickly points towards shido itsuka and I could see he had blue hair, I quckly Stray away from my Thoughts and introduce myself

You: "Y/n L/n. Im from [Redacted]. That's it"

Kurumi: "Kurumi tokisaki. And I'm a spirit..."

Okamine: "Now would anyone care to-"

Kurumi: "wait"

Okamine: "whats the matter"

Kurumi: "since we're both new. Wouldn't it be a hassle if we were to get someone here to tour the school for us"

???: "How about me"

Kurumi: "wouldn't you be interested in helping me your names shido. right?"


Shido: "Yeah. Huh yeah ok"

Okamine: "how about you L/n-San"

You: "no need I've already memorized the entire school map From the website"

Okamine: "wait we had a website!!??"

You: "yup" 'That's a total lie, I just used ESP search'

Okamine: "Oh ok. The principal rarely tells me anything"

You: "from here I'll be out of their Range, now let's try this out"

I said as I activate future. Eversince I arrived in this world I noticed that The flying girls will only appear if I open up future. I open up The Spirit section. I quickly open up zafkiel and enable infinite time, from their 12 new GUI's Appeared. They were all bullet names with different time related abilities. I quickly bind the bullets into words. I quickly disable Future and Walk home.


I was running towards The school. I was late, I quickly arrive and open the sliding door, Ms okamine Was just about to start attendance, I quickly Teleport to my Seat without her noticing, the Tobiichi girl notices me teleporting Due to her expressions quickly changing, I quickly notice Kurumi was nowhere to be found.

Ms okamine: "Tokisaki-san. Is Tokisaki-san present?"

Kurumi: "im here"

Ms okamine: "Tokisaki-san your late"

Kurumi: "I overslept and also felt a little Stomach ache"

Ms okamine: "Oh. Do you feel better now?"

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