"What happened," she reached out, squeezing his knee.

Tears began to well in his eyes, "my mom."

Raine scooted to the edge of her seat, "is she okay?"

"She's fine," he scuffed, "she's the biggest liar but she's fine."

"Liar?" Raine shook her head, "that doesn't sound like your mom. She's always been so nice to me."

"Don't believe it," he snapped, "she is a liar, just like Jeremy."

"Jeremy," she asked him. This was beginning to become too confusing, he wasn't making any sense to the brunette. It didn't help that he continued to sit here and drink, slurring his words together and glaring at the wall behind her head.

"Yes," he nodded, "Jeremy. Ugh the pig, Annabeth's dad."

His eyes widened as if he had suddenly realized something, "Anna. Beth. Annabeth. That fucker!"

"Atticus," Raine moved her chair closer, trying to get the boy to look at her, "what is going on? You're not making any sense."

"He fucked my mom!" Atticus yelled as he stood and knocked the chair out from behind him, "that asshole, cheated on his wife and screwed my mom."

Raine froze at his outburst, never seeing this side of him before. Sure, he had gotten angry around her before, but never had he screamed. It made her jump and caused all the hairs on her body to stand up, she couldn't look him in the eyes. A silence fell over the two and than when she heard the sound of her best friend sniffling, she looked. Her heart broke at the sight of him, his eyes were red and puffy, tears begging to be released.

The girl stood and threw her arms around him, squeezing him, giving him the comfort he needed.

He stood there unresponsive, as he whispered before letting himself crumble in her arms, "he is my dad Raine."

Raine looked around at the others around her. None of them knew the secrets that she knew, they didn't know the struggles of the boy. The very boy that had left her to save the sister he never truly got to know. After his confession, Raine had let him cry in her arms, and than she had helped him get back up. It was because of Raine, at least she liked to think, that he got over the initial shock. Raine had told him, not to think of this as a way of losing his dad Joshua all over again, but as a way to gain a new one. He was getting a dad and a sister.

Raine would have killed to have that much family. All she had was her dad and although Atticus had crumbled in-front of her, she couldn't help but be envious of the boy. He was getting a second chance of having a dad, if was in a way, a gift.

After Atticus had joined the others and went to the ground, Raine had spent as much time as she could to volunteer in the control room. From getting drinks for the adults, to mopping the floors and simply lying to her dad about wanting to follow in his footsteps. She needed to know that he was alive and okay. When the day came that his transmission had singled he was dead, she felt as if she had died herself.

Her body ached and she'd lost her breath, like someone squeezed all of the air out of her lungs. Her best friend had died and she didn't know if she could have continued on without him. She had stopped caring about the issues of the Arc or how others were going to die in hopes of saving oxygen. Raine just let her life blur by, moving around her as she remained locked inside of her bed.

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