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I watched Kenma curl into the sheets as he remained in the half-sleep stage we were both in. He turned his face to look at me,

"Do you want a ride home later?" he asked, his voice groggy.

"No, Yama is gonna pick me up." I said, turning onto my side and placing my hand on his stomach. He shivered under my touch,

"What are you two gonna do?" He asked, putting his hand onto of mine.

"He wants to spend the night, his parents are gone again." I watched his nimble fingers dance on the back of my hand,

"You two are some pair, must be nice having such a bond with someone." He didn't sound upset, but I could tell he was almost jealous. Not because of me, because of a friendship.

"Have you never had a bestfriend?" I looked back up to his face, he was staring at the ceiling.

"I did, but that just didn't work out, it was middle school anyway." He shrugged, his fingers stopped dancing and fell flat against mine.

"Who were they?" I asked

"She was my neighbor, my dad and her dad worked together so we would hang out all the time. She always painted my nails, did makeup and all that. But when I started enjoying it, she decided that was weird. She told everyone at school, she told her parents who told mine..." He sighed before turning on his side to face me, "My dad was not happy about it, yelled at me for hours, my mom comforted me after. Anyway she stayed around, but she would always try and kiss me or something and I would always push her away, telling her I just couldn't ruin our friendship, but she ran off crying, telling everyone I must be gay." His eyes filled with tears, he shut them and I watched one of them run down his cheek.

"Kenma.." I wiped his face

"No, im fine. I just.." he breathed, "She was the person who showed me who I was and she was also the person who ridiculed me most for it. She was my only friend, everyone had avoided me because they already thought I was weird since I was so small, so antisocial."

"I am sorry, I would never have thought.." He shushed me, pushing his forehead into mine. I let him breathe shakily, I let him curl into my chest, and I let him cry without trying to make him stop. I know he wasn't crying over people not liking him, I knew he wouldn't have cared about them. Something else this story was reminding him of, something much deeper judged by his sobbing, was making this happen.

"Ku- Kuroo?" he said into my chest, I rubbed his side,

"Yes?" I looked down into his hair, realizing how long it has grown since I first saw it. His hair did grow fast as hell.

"Don't abandon me. Please, just tell me before you leave me." He looked up and I nearly cried looking at his face. The red puffy eyes, his soaked cheeks, and the look on his face. The thought that I would just leave him without saying anything

"I'm not going anywhere, im just going home for tonight, not forever." I smiled and watched him sigh at the lame joke.

"I'm serious, can you promise if you ever want to leave me you will tell me?" He reached up and touched my face in the most tender way.

"I can only promise that I will always talk to you, I won't make a promise that ends with me leaving." I watched him smile, he slid up in the bed and pressed his lips into mine. I wasn't going to deepen it, but I felt him pushing into me. He pressed on my shoulder and rolled me onto my back,

"Kenma, is now the right time?" I asked as he straddled my thighs.

"I mean unless you don't want to." He shrugged, his hands tracing down my stomach, "I just, always want you, you make me feel..." He disappeared in thought, "Something." He smiled. Watching him smile, when a week ago he wouldn't give me anything but a grimace. I watched my body betray me, I didn't want him to think I was taking advantage of him, I just always wanted him too.

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