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Kenma knew he was on fire, all of practice he hadn't over or under served a ball. The coach had given him a few thumbs up and the other players made a huge fuss about how they never got encouragement like that. Kenma didn't feel special, but he did feel good.

He didn't want to blame his feelings all on Kuroo, but it was hard not to when they had decided to be together, like actually. Plus the sneaky sex was a great moral booster.

He put his head back in the game, turning to lean on his knees and watch his teammates on both sides of the net volley their hearts out. Kuroo had been opposite him for most of practice, also on fire. Yama was his spiker on this side, Lev was also on his team. Yaku was impatient to come in on Kuroo's side, but they were keeping the ball in play, Kenma felt semi-useless during the volley, Lev and the other guys were extraordinary when it came to receives.

"Ken, set it up!" Lev pushed the ball towards him. Kenma fixed his stance and felt the ball fall perfectly on his fingertips, this. He watched three of the boys run towards the net, he glanced over to see Kuroo already ready to stop Yama. He knew he wouldn't set to the boys he didn't know.

Kenma pushed his body off the ground ready to dump it just over the net

"It's a dump!" someone called as his feet left the ground, he wasn't tall so Kuroo would be able to catch it if it were close enough to the net. He saw the perfect spot light up and pushed the ball up as it came over the net.

Silence until the ball smacked and bounced along the gym floor.

"Kozume!" Coach stood up and held his hands over his head, "No one will think a setter so short could dump! Let alone precisely dump!" he turned to the team manager, urging him to write something on the clipboard. Kenma watched the coach as he finally let himself realize how drained he was. He leaned down on his knees again, the sweat dripping off his forehead and down his legs.

"Kenny, my guy." Lev and the rest of his side ran over to crowd him, "Getting a ball past Kuroo? a dump? your form was amazing" Yama chimed.

"It's nothing, only very exhausting playing with you lot." he breathed and let them pat his back even though he felt like collapsing with each one.

"Very nice." Kuroo. Kenma looked over and saw him towering over the net. His eyes were dark, like they had been when they first played. He saw the sweat rolling down his face and soaking his shirt, he followed his body down and let himself take in how tense and sweaty his thighs were, how he could see the muscles aching under his skin. God, that man was magnificent.

"Thanks." Kenma mumbled, returning his gaze to Kuroo's eyes. He watched him smirk before turning away and joining his side in a group of angry players.

"That's enough for today boys! Incredible!" Coach shouted, the boys cheered and began filing into the locker room.

"Shower at my place?" Kuroo asked from behind him,

"How about my place?" He asked, smirking as he remembered what he promised Kuroo. Kuroo turned red and pinched his side,

"Deal," he whispered, turning around to face him as he walked through the doorway, "See you outside in five, kitten." He winked and ran over to Yama.


Kenma adored the nickname, the simplicity, the symbolism, but also it was just cute. Kenma loved thinking that Kuroo thought he was cute, that Kuroo enjoyed what they had going. He was smiling like a fool as he gathered up his duffel on the side of the gym when coach approached him,

"Kozume, come to my office please." he sounded a lot less encouraging now. Kenma glanced up at the old man,

"Of course.." he grabbed the bag and stood up, "I-Is something wrong?" he asked.

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