From Friends to... Lovers!?

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Josh and Charles were sitting in Charles's shitty apartment. The place was run down, the walls were a dark blue and some of the paint was chipping off, revealing the grey color of the brick beneath. The room was illuminated only by the TV which was playing their favorite movie, Joker. They were sitting on Charles's old sofa that was older than both of them combined.

Charles felt an emptiness in his heart. An emptiness that only Josh could fill. Subconsciously he began snuggling into Josh's chest. Josh was taken aback, but smiled and rubbed Charles's shoulder gently. "Imagine that soft touch in bed" Charles mumbled to himself. Josh smirked. "Well we could see about that.."

Charles looked up at Josh and smiled to himself. That face that he knew only he would love. He wouldn't have to worry about anyone taking him from him. He sat up and stared at Josh flirtatiously.

Charles slowly took off his "we live in a society" Pepe t-shirt and threw it on the floor. He slowly walked to his bedroom door, stopping dramatically at the entrance. He turned around and stared directly into Josh's eyes and did that sultry "come here" finger motion, before turning to enter the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

He quickly removed his jeans, because yes, he was the type of person to lounge in jeans. He had been waiting for this since the moment he laid eyes on Josh. Nothing was going to stop this from being perfect. He got out his phone and immediately texted two very special people "It's happening. Get here as quickly as you can!"

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