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think people have always wondered why I hate Tord.
I just dont understand! Why does Edd always talk
about him. And in a good way too! It's not that I really
care about what Edd says about him. But at the same time I
dont understand why I do care. I hate it! Having to worry
about the way he thinks about him. It really bothers me.

9:46 am Wednesday

"Hey Tom!" Said Edd with a grin.
"Hi, Edd" I said as I Blush and turn away.
"Would you happen to know where Matt Is? He wasnt in the house when I got up this morning. And its starting to bother me."
"A-actually I dont..."
"Well, that's okay! I'm Sure he is fine!"

"Are you okay?"
My face turned beet red.
"Y-ye-yeah! I'm fine! Why would you ask?"
"Because your face is beet red."
"Do you have a fever?"
"Well, if you say so! I still think you should get a glass of water
and sit down or something."

I hate when Edd pretends to care about my wellbeing!
It makes me go nuts! And when he does pretend to be concerned,
he ends up looking ten times cuter than he did before! I just wish
he would stop so that I can be my usual self again! "Tom, Tom!"
"Huh? What?"
"You just stood there mumbling to yourself and it started to bother
"I- I gotta go!"
"Um.. Okay!"

I'm sitting in the living room watching TV and drinking a glass
of water. Because Edd might be right! Maybe I dont have feelings
And I'm just sick or something!
Tord suddenly walked into the living room and noticed me sitting
on the couch.
"Hey, Tom!" Tord says with a smirk on his face.
"Hi..." said Tom with a frown.

"Are you okay?"
"Well, what's wrong?"
"I think I might have feelings.." wait a minute! Why am I telling Tord this
Of all people!?!?!?!?
"What do you mean by....feelings?"
"I dont know why I'm telling you this but... I think I have fallen in love.
Or I'm just sick like Edd said."

"Well, who is it that you have feelings for? DO I KNOW THEM!?!"
"That's the thing! I dont think I know who it is!"
"Well, why dont you tell me the type of people your into and maybe
I will figure it out." Why is Tord asking me this... Of all people!!!

"Let me guess... Your probably wondering why I'm asking you this.
Its because I know that if you with the person you truly love maybe
You wont be so pissed at me twenty four seven.... Can I be your wingman!?!?"
"I dont really care.."
"Yay!!!! I finally get to be a wingman!"
"Now, tell me about your type."

"I dont know, I guess I like cute things..."
"Cuuuuutttteeeeeee....... I swear to god if its Susan."
"No! I mean, I love Susan! But not in that way!"
"I know what you mean...."
"Do you wanna see a picture of my waifu?"

Man, this is just lovely! I have fallen in love with someone
even though I dont even know who it is, and i have my
worst enemy as my wingman! I wanna go back to the way I
used to be!

Wingman- A TomEdd Fanfic(paused)Where stories live. Discover now