Little girl

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I am posting this late because I was suppose to publish it 14 days ago, Listen I was lazy.
Now onto the story.

Not yet give me some time will ya!!..........

G:Fine then but just don't take long!!

U: Fine do you have her or not.

G: Of course she's in the basement probably sleeping peacefully.

U: Good I will see you in a week also make sure she doesn't escape.

G: Ok bye ill make sure she doesn't escape.

U: Bye Love y-

I hung up before they could finish and placed my phone on the nightstand laying back down on the bed and going back to sleep.

(In the morning)
(Amanda's POV)

"Fuck my whole body hurts" I say quietly trying not to be to loud since I am in a basement.

I then heard a rustling noise coming from under the basement stairs.

"Hello who's there" I was a little scared.

Then I saw a little girl come out from under the stairs watching her just stair at me with fear in her eye's.

"Hey what are you doing in this basement" I ask trying not to be awkward.

"My parents left you need help up sitting back up"

"I dont think you'll be able to do that I'm pretty tall and you're pretty small" I 

"But I can try" she walked over to me

"Well then go ahead and tr-" I was cut off by her pushing the chair I was sitting on to sit up.

"How did you...."

"Strength even though I'm small I'm pretty strong" She said smiling at me.

"Well thats impressive not even my own girlfriend can carry me" I say giggling a bit.

"Who is your girlfriend?"

"Well she's pretty and adorable and ho- I mean nice and has pretty long blond hair she also has pretty blue eyes and she has an adorable smile" I say smiling.

"Wow she must be really cute" She says giggling.

"Yea she sure is....."

"But why are you here?"

"I got kidnapped by someone I hoped I wouldn't see but guess what this is what I get for going on a walk alone not thinking that I might get kidnapped" I say in a sad tone.

"Oh well do you need a Band-Aid because you're bottom lip is bleeding"


"Yea hold on" She got up grabbing a first aid kit.

"You're really smart, strong and  a caring kid you know" I say smiling.

"Well I was always like that but now that my parents left me I don't even know what to do anymore but since you're here I feel like I can be myself even if I don't know you" She says as she walks back over to me.

"Well I feel honored, plus once we get out of here I'll take you with me and take care of you"

"You mean it"

"Yea I really do and guess what I'll even introduce you to my girlfriend"

"What's you're girlfriends name?"

"Her name is Liz and my names Amanda, what's your name"


"Well thats a pretty name for an adorable girl like you" I smile.

"Thank you"


"Now hold still" I nod as I stay still wincing at the pain a bit.

"Why did you get kidnapped"

"Well I got kidnapped because-"

"Amanda you hungry dear" I heard G say as she walked towards the basement.

"Go hide!!" I whisper as the little girl hides back under the stairs.

"Yea sure" I say changing my mood.

"Good well I'm gonna untie you so you can come eat and remember what I told you if you try to attack me got it."

"Yep I got it"


She untied me and I looked back at the little girl hiding under the stairs one more time before heading to the dinning room.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I hurt my self so i slept like hell"

"No wonder you have a bloody lip, go clean up"

"Ok" I say as I walk to the bathroom and grab a first-aid kit and fixed the wound on my lip.

Why was she being so nice......

(2 minutes later)

"How'd you sleep" I ask trying to start a coversation.

"I slept good but i wished you were with me" she said giving me a seducive smile.

"Cool" I say shoving a spoonful of eggs into my mouth.

(Some time later)

"Amanda it's time for torture again" she said in a cheery mood.

"Why!!" I say annoyed and scared.

"Well until Liz or should I say your Girlfriend gives me what I want I will stop and let you be" She said grabbing my arm and dragging me back to the bed room.

"Now be a good girl and try not to scream got it" she said with a sly smile.

I'm gonna leave you guys on a cliffhanger or probably not since I'm to lazy to write the next chapter.

The Omega is my soulmateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن