Dream Come True

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And last night? He had effectively enacted the same silent treatment from yesterday morning.

Miles and I walked up to the house, unlike most trashy beach parties, this one was a bit more calm. The bass was still pounding, but it wasn't rattling the windows, and there weren't any people passed out on the lawn, however, it was only 9:30.

Miles held the door open for me as I walked in, and despite the size of the house, the foyer was pretty packed.

"Hey there pretty lady, have a drink." A guy who was already stumbling said, passing me a red solo cup filled with a dark brown liquid.

I shrugged and began to bring it up to my mouth when Miles elbowed me sharply in the ribs and took it from my hand. "Make your own drinks, Hallie." He scolded, before passing it off to another stumbling drunk guy.

"Yeah, yeah" I sighed as I walked toward the kitchen, though my eyes locked on one person in particular across the room, and I dragged Miles behind me.

"Woah, woah, woah, what was that for?" Miles asked.

"Miles, George is here." I whined, glancing back at where I'd last seen him.

Fortunately, I didn't think he'd seen us yet, but I'm sure it wouldn't be long.

"Of course he is." Miles sighed under his breath.

If George was here, did that mean Connor was too?

I'd texted Connor that I was too tired to talk last night, being completely worn out by overthinking everything about Mitchell. He'd said that it was cool, and that had pretty much been it.

"He takes any chance he can to get himself fucked up." Miles added in rolling his eyes.

A laugh barked out from beside us. I turned to see a short, tanned girl with long jet black hair and a couple piercings standing there, sipping from a red solo cup. "Good one." She commented.

Miles and I turned to her. "You know George, huh?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he's only the biggest asshole at every party in this damn town." She cursed, tilting her head back and finishing her drink in one gulp. "Follow me, I need a refill." She said, motioning is toward the kitchen with her head.

"So you must live around here?" Miles asked her.

She stopped abruptly in the middle of the hallway and turned around to face us. "You could say that," she said smirking.

"What part?" I asked her.

"Oh, you know, right around here." She replied still smirking.

We entered the kitchen, and she walked straight to the humongous fridge, opening it up and grabbing a coke. She poured half into her cup and then poured in some vodka, very heavy handily.

"Damn Lani, having a rough night?" A douchey looking guy asked her. He had on a surf shop tee, and his jeans were hanging way too low on his hips. All in all, he looked like a classic beach bum stoner.

"Shut the fuck up, Andrew." She cursed, giving him the finger.

"Oooh, good girl gone bad." He mocked, teasing her and smirking.

"Get the fuck out of my house." She fumed, and when he made no attempt at moving, "I mean it, asshole, leave!"

Andrew held up his hands in surrender and turned around to leave.

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