I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky

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I walked/hobbled over to the hangar. I honestly had no idea why Jemma allowed me to leave but hey! I get to learn how to fly a Quinjet, taught by two badass spies!

"Hi Peter. How are you?" Bobbi called, waving me over.

I grinned. "I'm excited. But, where's May?"

"Oh, she'll join us later. For now, it's just me and you." Bobbi replied.

"Ah." I nodded my head in understatement. I followed Bobbi into the Quinjet, and despite being on one for a few times, I was still pretty amazed.

"Here." Bobbi guided me to the co-pilot seat and offered me a set of headphones.

"First, you need to..."


I slowly pulled the plane into a nice ascend.

It was about 2 hours since I first entered the plane. Bobbi started off by teaching me pretty much all of the controls, how to use them, when to use them etc.

She took off and showed me what to do. At first, I struggled slightly, but then, I managed to bring the jet up.

According to Bobbi, taking off is the easy part. The next part was maneuvering the plane. Too much strength may cause the plane to tip too sideways.

I felt my inner-hyper-ness acting up, and I quickly asked Bobbi to land us. I excused myself, exited the plane, and started speeding around to hangar.

5 minutes later, I boarded the jet again. "Sorry about that." I apologised, hands on my knees and panting to catch my breath.

Bobbi waved it away. "It's okay Peter. Take as much breaks as you need."

I nodded and dashed off to get a towel to wipe my sweat, as well as drink some water. I returned soon enough, and we continued.

Before I took off again, May joined us. She stood at the back, and since I was focusing of the jet, I couldn't really get a glimpse of her. All I knew was that she was practically drilling holes into my skull. Her stare was easily felt, and I forced myself to ignore her.

"-Eter? Peter!" Bobbi tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped slightly, but never lost control. "Y-Yes?" I stammered.

"You wanna concentrate on learning to fly or shall we end this for now?" Bobbi tilted her head.

I shook myself. "I'm good." I replied, staring ahead. "Let's continue."


"AHH SHIT WAIT NO!" I yelled as I started to descend in a crazy way. Luckily, Bobbi came to my rescue, as did May.

I unstrapped myself and tumbled to the back. I knew it was dangerous, but I had sticky hands and legs. May quickly pulled the plane to safety because she's so badass, and I leaned against the side of the Quinjet, breathing heavily.

"I need to leave." I muttered, escaping the jet. I faced the sky and shot upwards, feeling the thrill of it and the cold air beating against me.

I let out a breath of content as I soared higher, relaxing and letting myself fall. Screams from the team was heard as I fell at a great speed.

Something inside me clicked when I shot up into the sky. I caught myself just before I landed, and hovered meters above the ground.

Of course, I received a lecture about what I did, but from what I had experience, it was worth it.

𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 | adventures with shieldWhere stories live. Discover now