I Am Because You Are

Start from the beginning

You mean so much to me,
so special that even you can never ever imagine.
I cry when you do. I laugh inwardly while you do it explicitly.
I'm at peace when you are.
I am because you are.

I can swear my life upon all those emotional bursts of surrender and love that they were true.
They have always been.
All those confessions before the soul shattering words, have always been directly from the heart. Even our conversations through the eyes.
None of them have been a lie.

I'm sorry for all the things I've said to you that turned out to be exactly opposite of what I really wanted to say. I'm sorry for making you suffer because of the war between Arnav and ASR where the shrewd ASR always won.
The thread that binds us was never a lie. Our connection was never a farce. It is the purest form.

I love you.
I really do. With all my heart. My soul. My every fibre and nerve, I love you.
This has always been new to me and it scares me, yet it makes me feel secure. Inspite of everything, I love you alot.
I want you to know that everytime I told you, that you do not affect me; Oh! You literally sweep me off my feet.
Everytime I told you that you mean nothing to me, I meant that you mean more than this darned universe to me.
Everytime I told you that I regret meeting you: I regret not showering you with the love you truly deserve.

Even if i turn out to be the reason you are not loved, I cannot imagine seeing you go away from me. I feel my breath will cease. My heart will stop getting erratic anymore. It would just pump blood. I will turn into a living corpse without you.
And that scares me.

My soul seeks the warmth of yours. My heart sings for you. Lyrics of love and passion and fervour that it hopes you'll hear. It prays, it's cries of love reach out to you.

I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me.
I wish I could give you so much more of what you truly deserve.
I wish I could confess.
I love you.
I need you.

I am only and solely because you are.

                                                 ~The Mute Heart. (Arnav)


Khushi read the crumpled up paper from Arnavs black coat. It had tear stains on it. Folded at the corners. He obviously had no intentions of showing it to her. She kissed the paper with immense love and affection as if it were him and put it inside with her personal bunch of memories. This is truly her favourite piece of paper that held tons and tons of emotional weightage.

She turned around to see her sleeping husband. So serene. So stress free. Why wouldnt he? After all because she was there. With him. Beside him. And she will be. Forevermore.
Who would say, that behind this shroud of a daring ASR lay an equally insecure, lovelorn kid waiting to be freed and taken into a warm embrace filled with love and adoration.
She was finally able to read through her husband's bottled up emotions and now she will not let it remain leashed anymore. She will make sure he exposes himself to her. Allows her to heal him. To treat his wounds and scars, so that he doesn't have to run away from them anymore. So that they face them.

Hand in hand.

She walked up to his side. Wiping off her tears. Smiling brightly as she sat beside him, careful not to wake him up. How adorable he looked!
She kissed his forehead softly, allowing her lips to linger there; as if to say, "I'm here for you".

Suddenly feeling ecstatic, Arnav woke up to see his wife kiss him. He shut his eyes drinking in her affection. Did she forgive him? But he did not say anything to her. His thoughts made him frown.


"I love you."

He stared at her wide eyed.


Did she.....?

She loves him?

Seeing confusion etched on his face she chuckled and hugged him tight, trying to solve his confusion.

"I love you so much. I promise to stay.
I am because you are."

She whispered into their hug and he simply tightened his hold on her lest she should change her decision. He blocked his mind of all thoughts and opened up his heart to this whole new level of satisfaction.

It felt beautiful and heavenly.


The End

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