Fierce Opponent! Storm Wolf!!

Start from the beginning

Nanae: I don't know that this place have this kind of thing.

Kotaro: Y-Yeah...

Kaminari: Wait, isn't this...

They enter a room and it shows the same thing that they have in Raimon. They enter the room.

In the Black Room...

Hakuryuu: You'll be practicing in here.

Homura: Aren't this the Black Room?!

Suiryuu: Yeah, it is!

Nanae: Huh? You guys know about this room?

Kariya: Actually, Raimon have another one like this room. After all, almost all school have a special training room.

Isamu: But what does this place can do anyway?

Kiba: I can't see anywhere we can train.

Kariya went to the control panel and press some button. The place change into a grassland.

Kai: What the?!

Haruki: We're at a grassland?

Nanae: What just happened?

Kaminari: So this is the original Black Room, huh? *turn to the team* Guys, listen to me.

The players look at Kaminari.

Kaminari: I, Homura and Suiryuu trained in a room like this in Raimon. This room creates a hologram that fitting with the place we wanted to train. But this isn't just a hologram, it sending special waves into our brain and make it feels real.

Kotaro: *touch the grass* Wow, it's true!

Hakuryuu: Since Kaminari, Homura and Suiryuu have already complete Level 4, they'll be helping you guys.

Kariya: First, the others that never use this room as training will start from Level 1.

The area change into the city area. Steel beams appear in the air and start falling and crash onto the ground.

Kotaro: Wh-What?!

Kaminari: Those are steel beams. By dodging them while dribble with the ball, it'll help you guys to get better. Hurry up and start already!

Soccer balls appear in front of them. Tsukasa, Kai, Isamu and Haruki dribble the soccer balls while dodging the steel beams. The others separated from them for other training. Kaminari and Suiryuu do the same training but even harder.

Hakuryuu: Homura, I want you to help Yukimura in her practice.

Homura: Yes, sir.

She and Nanae get into a sandy area, not a desert.

Homura: Nanae-chan, let's start with running!

Nanae: Yeah!

They running through the sand. Homura able to run perfectly while Nanae is having a hard time in catching up with Homura.

Hakuryuu: Arashi, Okami, you need to strengthen your legs.

Kotaro/Kiba: Strengthen our legs?

They entered an place with forest and river. They stand on a wooden bridge.

Kotaro: A bridge?

Kiba: What kind of training is this?

They heard clicking sound and look behind as they saw the wooden floor dettaching.

Kotaro/Kiba: We're gonna fall!

They run forward and reach the end of the bridge. They panting as the bridge fix itself.

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi Where stories live. Discover now