Thousand Clapping Asses! (Kyle Spencer)

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A/n: It's a song. Like an actual song. Do listen to it. and this one .. Kyle isn't fixed. 

  I was sitting in the dark. In my room. Alone. Well technically alone as Kyle was asleep. I typed my last chapter for the paragraph. I sighed sat up. I took a glance at Kyle and pouted as he was still asleep. "Charming?" I asked just to make sure if he was really asleep or not. He didn't answer so I took that as he was still asleep. I took my headphones plugged them in. I typed in 'teenie weenie.'  

This is the sound of a thousand clapping asses.  

I jumped a little as the sound was playing from the speaker instead  of my  headphones.

 "M-muffin?" Kyle asked from his side. "Sorry, charming. I didn't mean to wake you up." I pulled Kyle in for a hug. "I-it's o-okay." Kyle said slowly. He laid his head on my lap right in front of my laptop. "Do you want to watch YouTube with me?" Kyle nodded his head.   I handed Kyle his headphones. I plugged in a headphone splitter and resumed the video. Kyle jolted from the song. He read the lyrics and giggled. "What?" I asked while laughing. "A-a-ass-ses?" Kyle asked as innocent as he could. I chuckled. "Alright then charming. What song fits the vibe for tonight?" I asked Kyle while caressing his fluffy hair. He looked up to me and scrunched his nose and smiled at me. "You're too cute to be true." I said and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Toto?" He said with a silly smile on his face. 

I chuckled at his answer. "Rosanna?" I asked and Kyle nodded his head. He turned his head towards the laptop. "As always.." I trailed then laughed. I typed in the song and clicked on the video.

The familiar tune started playing. I looked down to see Kyle staring at the screen. I lean against the bed's headboard and sighed. Out of habit I played with Kyle's hair. 

Kyle always have loved this song. It reminded him of his old friends. I reminded him of the day that we first met. I was there. I was in the tattoo parlor when all the frat boys were getting tattoos. Well, I was working at the parlor after all. I smiled at the memory. Memory of a happy Kyle singing and laughing. 

I looked down to see Kyle half-asleep on my lap. Kyle tried to hum to the song but failed a few times. He grunted in frustration. "Hey, it's okay." I told him softly. "Rosanna yeah." I sang softly. "Meet you all the way. Rosanna ye-." "y-yeah." Kyle continued an I smiled at him. "there we go." I said. 

The night ended with the song on repeat, Kyle sleeping on my lap and me playing with his hair. 

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