Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: You Cannot Rewrite the Stars
(Third Person Point of View)

Sakusa was disinfecting his medical tools for the fifth time that day. It was such a perfect morning. There was no nuisance, no noise, no troublesome residents who are not wearing facemasks, no patients, no germs, no Miya Atsumu---

Sakusa heard the door being opened. "Omi-omi, do you have the medicine for a broken heart?"

Shit, screw it. The day is now completely ruined, thank you very much.

Sakusa narrowed his eyes at him. "I am not your therapist. Get the fuck away from me. You reek of germs."

"Rude ass Omi-omi, it was just a joke."

"If you have time to joke around, help your brother in your business."

"Aww, Omi-omi, I really need your help this time."

The air went dead for a while.

Sakusa blinks. "...Hemorrhoids?"

Atsumu pouts. "How rude! Am I that type of person who would just casually get hemorrhoids?!"

"...well, yes."

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "Whatever! See, Osamu wanted to out up an Onigiri business alongside being a merchant. I am lazy as fuck and I was so sure he would need twice as help as we usually do making rounds so naturally, I would disagree. I tried to coax him out of it but he just pushed me down the stairs and I think I ended up with a broken arm. Honestly. If he wanted the onigiri business, he could have just said so. He is my twin brother after all. Of course I would help him."

Sakusa sighed. "I feel bad for Osamu."

"Wha--?! How dare you! I am the one hurt here, you know!"

"Fine! Get your bacteria-swarmed ass up the stretcher!"

Sakusa groaned as he examined Atsumu's arm.

"Ah, it was just a simple case of fractured bones. What a let down."

"Oi. Were you expecting to have my ligaments teared apart?"

"Whatever. I will have to immobilise your arm on a sling. Usually, you have to let it heal for six to eight weeks. If swelling appears, put some ice. Lower your pride and ask Osamu for help. You yourself also have to help your bones mend themselves. Do some little exercise with your immobilised arm as soon as the pain goes away. I will have to prescribe you with some painkillers. A friendly reminder that I will not attend your funeral if you overdose with them."

"Omi-kun, you are so smart!"

"Damn right I am so smart. Sad, Mad, And Really Tired."

Atsumu just laughed. "Omi-kun, you are a man of science, so let me ask you something. Do you believe in parallel universes?"


"You know, parallel universe. That there are many universes and there is another you and me out there."

"Science has not confirmed that. Even if it is not a myth, I hope that parallel universe me does not get to meet you."

Atsumu looks out the window. "Personally, I do not believe in parallel universes. But if in some scenario that there was really one, who knows? Maybe we are in some futuristic world, where everything is dominated by the knowledge of man, but I think my fate will end just the same. Shouyou will always choose Tobio-kun over me, in the next reincarnated next life, or in some coexisting parallel universe. Because, as you know, Omi-omi, you cannot rewrite someone's stars."

Sakusa looked away. Here goes another one of his melodramatic bullshit. "Medicines for broken hearts are not prescribed here, go look somewhere else."

"He was already somebody else's sunshine, and I was only sharing the rays. He was not mine in the first place."

Sakusa groaned. "Atsumu, I think it is time to give yourself a break. Sometimes, it hurts more to hold on than to let go. You cannot keep pulling a rope wherein the other person tries to pulls it back to his side. It is a tug of war, and the longer the game goes, the more it hurts. Atsumu, it is time to let go. You are on your own against many others in this tug of war game."

Atsumu sighs. "You are right. We should live to create happy memories, not to reminisce broken ones. It is not a life well spend if you dwell on the bad past, you think?"

"Piece of cake."

Atsumu faces him. "You think it is just easy?!"

"At the rate this unwanted conversation is going, I want a piece of cake."

Sakusa went through the drawers and filled a syringe. He then injects the transparent liquid to Atsumu's broken arm. Atsumu's arm started to tremble.

"M-my arm is shaking."

"Oh." Sakusa says nonchalantly. "Your skeleton is ready to hatch."

"W h a t."

"Meh. It is your first dose of pain killer. Do not try anything stupid tonight. No working for a while, no playing with children, no fighting with everyone you meet, and no reminiscing memories about Shouyou."

"What does reminiscing memories about Shouyou have to do with a broken arm?!"

"It is bad for your brain and your heart, you of all people should know that, dumbass."

"Why the fuck are you so salty? Man, I guess men of science are bitter about not getting a love life so they attack those who do with saltiness."

"Says the man who got dumped by his first love."

"Oh shut yer mouth, Omi-omi!"

Atsumu sighs. "Do not worry, Omi-kun, I am sure that my broken heart will heal along my broken arm, too. We need to let go of the things that are not ours to keep, right? Even if they are memories."

"I am sure you will be able to find your own special someone too, Atsumu. Give it time. Sometimes, things that come later are those who have significant memories for us. Ever heard of the phrase, 'good things come to those who wait?' Maybe you are one of them."

"Thank you, Omi-omi! Aww, you do have a heart!"

Sakusa flashes the syringe in attack mode. "Do not make me execute you with Lethal injection."

"Since when did you have the license to execute your patients?!"

"Since you entered the damn door."

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