My best friend. Part 29

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Kong and Arthit were on the bench by the lake in the garden, this place was where the first day they met. they sat and made the decision to give their parents idea a chance, this place is where they decided they would give a relationship a try. it was a first for both of them, and tonight under the moonlight they sat here again to make some major decisions. Earlier the family had gathered and ate dinner together. both their parents had talked to them about Arthit coming to intern at Kongs family factory, his father-in-law told him he knew that he was looking for internships and both families had already met beforehand. so basically since Kong and he would take over both companies, they needed to learn how they operated and figure out how they would take it from there. the parents were not pressuring them at all, but giving them the options. and thus here the two of them were.

Kong took his husband's hands, "Love how are you feeling?"

"You know its funny, I feel overwhelmed but I was expecting it, I don't know why I feel like I will let our parents down"

"Love, first of all, you never would let them down, second I will be with you every step of the way, I mean you were going to lead your father's company, it's just now you will have a much larger company"

"I know that, but I was not planning to take over from my dad anytime soon, and I wanted to first get some experience, it's just with both companies merging we are talking international and different fields too."

"Love, at the moment all you need to decide is if you want to do your internship here with dad, then everything else will fall in place"

"Baby, do you realize if I take the internship it means I will be staying here while you will be at school?"

Kong's eyes snapped, he had not thought of that, he just was thinking of what is best for his husband at the moment.

"I had not considered that. I don't think I can do it P', three months without you will be hell"

"Well technically I think it will be just during the week and we can meet up either here or at our place on Fridays, but you are right I don't think I am ready to be spending all that much time away from you."

" Love, I think once we figure how this will work we can talk to our parents again but are you sure you want to actually do the internship here, or would you still prefer a different company"

" I think what dad said made sense since we have to take over the leadership role anyways, we might as well learn from them while they are still running them. but I want to start from the bottom and work at  different departments for some time just to get an understanding on how they run and what is needed, I feel that would be helpful for the both of us later"

"I completely agree, and I think we can take turns at both companies for now, but Love I want to make something clear right now we are not going to argue about it later, you will be the CEO once we take over and merge."

"No baby, you are not going to put that on me, we both will be co-CEO's we both own the companies like you said earlier at the table we come as one, and that means in every aspect of our lives we are equal, we complete each other because where your strength lies is where I lack, we will be the same with the companies we will figure out what we both excel at and work together."

"Okay love I think for now we can just table this and come back to it later, so what do you think of mom's idea about our friends?"

"Well the hazing is coming to an end soon, I think Mom is right we can take them for a week getaway and tell them then, I mean initially I was thinking of just inviting them to our place for an evening but I think mom's idea is better, they will get a nice vacation out of it too."

"Sounds good to me love, am sure we will get it from our friends but they will also enjoy it"

"Baby, I know Mae said we need to work through the people coming between us, I know I am quick to get jealous but that does not mean you don't tell me when someone is hassling you and not taking no for an answer, and also when you think something is bothering me, ask me, if at any time you are unsure of something talk to me, I love you and you are not just my husband you are also my best friend and my partner. I don't think even my parent know me as you do, and in time you will get every part of me, what I mean is no one will ever know me better than you, I will also try better at communicating my thoughts and feeling to you."

"Love I know Mae wants to see both of us happy, and I will take her advice to heart I always have. Love, on this same spot we had promised to give our relationship a chance and I want to promise you that we will work on the little bumps we encounter in our marriage, but I want to come back here when we are celebrating our 50th anniversary, sit with you and be more in love than we are today."

Arthit looked up at his husband cupping his face he did not know what words to use so he kissed him, slow and passionate, the feelings expressed though that could not be said in words, he moved and sat in his husband's lap, nuzzling his face on his neck. they sat like that exchanging kisses and just enjoying the evening.

The sisters were sitting in the kitchen with the mothers, Anne could not wait to gossip with the females she was bouncing on her heels. they all sat around the kitchen with tea.

"Mae can you believe that was our baby brother I swear he has matured so much"

"Of course he has, the thing is, the both of them will grow and mature together, your brother is now a husband and that does change his perspective in life, he might be just a baby to you, and a first-year college junior at school, but to Arthit he is a husband, and that changes his mindset, did not you two also change once you got married, I clearly saw the change, maybe you did not see because it happened to you."

"Yes dear marriage definitely does change someone, I see my Arthit has also changed, he was normally very closed off but I see him now, I am proud to see how they are with each other I see how they care for each other's little need, they clearly displayed that during dinner, it was very heartwarming to watch them honestly."

"I agree Mae, our baby brother is very attentive to his husband we witnessed their love so clearly all day, they communicate so much with no words and are very attentive to each other's needs."

they talked for a while then retired for the night. they were all happy to be there together. tomorrow they were all going to head out to their respective homes.

Kong realized his husband had started dozing off, " come on love lets get to bed, I know you are tired and we have an early day tomorrow since we will be heading out after breakfast I think." but the one on his lap was not trying to move he chuckled.

"Come on love I will carry you to our room, you don't have to wake up if you don't want to"

Arthit just wrapped his arms around his husband's shoulder and snuggled more, Kong stood up while lifting him up and headed to his room. he put him down on the bed but Arthit did not want to let go.

"Love I'm not going anywhere let me just get out of these clothes and I will get you more comfortable. he let go with a pout and sat up tossing off the shirt he was wearing and jeans, his husband comes back with one of his pajama shirts he knew His P' loved sleeping in his clothes actually his P' loved wearing his clothes all the time. he got in bed and snuggled his husband, the kisses and caresses were not rushed or hungry, it was like they were exploring each other's body for the first was gentle and loving building the passion in both slowly and drawing it out.

I MARRIED MY SOUL MATE 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon