Chapter 8: Movie and Burger kind of Guy

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She turned around to find Ricky towering her.

"Hey." Ricky smirked while looking down at Amy.

"Hey." Amy smiled back. She looked back down and he sat down beside her. She dropped her pen and turned to face him.

"Do you mind if I come and see John tonight?" Ricky asked.

"Sure. He is your son too." Amy said. He just nodded.

"So did you hear Betty and Leo changed their mind about the wedding? They are having it in a tropical island off to coast of Jamaica."

"Wow," Ricky laughed, "so Amy, John's first birthday is coming up and I was wondering if I could have him for the weekend." He said nervously. Amy's jaw dropped.

"On his first birthday!" Amy said appalled.

"What if you both came to my house. I want at least one day with him alone though Amy. I am his father as you said earlier." Ricky used her previous words against her. She frowned.

"If I can stay the night of his birthday, then sure. Just know I'm not happy about it." Amy said. She sounded upset. After, turned back to her homework and began writing. Ricky sighed.

"Amy, I'm sorry." Ricky touched her cheek. He was truly a charmer because Amy just let it go. The warmth his fingers sent to her was amazing, but it was like an electric shock when he touched her.

A soothing electric shock.

They both felt it. It was indescribable.

Finally Ricky stopped because he remembered all the people around and they wanted to keep this between them for now.

Too late.

Everyone was starring. Eyes wide, waiting for their next move. It was truly ridiculous.

They both just shrugged it off. Amy turned to Ricky again.

"You know Ricky, I don't mind dates..." Amy said hinting.

"I don't date Amy, you know that." Ricky told her.

"Ricky, we're dating. We are not a one night stand or a one time thing. You have to give a little bit of effort." Amy said.

"Amy, why can't I just bring you like, a burger or something and we watch movies on your couch?" Ricky asked like it was no big deal.

"You can do better then that Ricky." Ricky was starting to get annoyed. She was never going to let this go.

" Do you want to go on a date Amy!" Ricky finally asked.

Amy's jaw dropped. It then quickly turned into a smile.

" Pick me up at 7. Don't be late." Amy gathered her books. She got up and walked away, swaying her hips a little bit. He was Ricky after all, she knew who she was dealing with.

That night...

Adrian glossed her round, plump lips with her shiny, pink lip gloss. She puckered them and made a loud POP when she was finished. She fluffed her curls and adjusted her shirt so the v-neck was lower. She wiped away a small black smudge of mascara and then did a seductive pose in the mirror. She stood back and took in her outfit. Black tight pants with a white v-neck t-shirt. She had on black, shiny pumps that made her legs look longer. She smiled with satisfaction.

Adrian had no clue why she was getting so dressed up for Max. This technically wasn't a date, she didn't want it to be. Even though she was going out with Max, she was still thinking of Ricky and Ben. Her thoughts were always going back to those two, maybe she needed this date to get them off her mind.

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