Chap 3: Fixed Metal

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When Sonic and Mr. Tinker left. Tails puts on some music and immediately goes to work. He adds a voice box. It was a little big since it was built for the GUN agent, E-123 Omega. So he takes it apart and rebuilds it to fit Metal Sonic. While at it he disables the bot's weapons just incase.  When he is finish, the fox turns his music off and reactivates killer robot once again. The bot's red  eyes flicker. He makes a quick self scan and immediately notices that he now has a voice box and his weapons being disabled.

"Miles Prower correct?"

The young fox jumps upon hearing the robot's voice.

"Y-Yeah. Looks like the voice box works. How are you feeling?"

Tails removes the wires that are still attached to the bot.

"I notice you disabled my weapons."

Noticing that he can now move, Metal decides to move his wrist joints.

"Well we are still not sure if you are a threat."

The two stay silent for a while before the bot decides to break the ice.

"Can you explain to me what exactly happen to Eggman?"

The kid sighs and explains to Metal what happened back at Windmill Village from what Sonic told him. To his surprise, the bot just listens. He admits that it is scary how he just stares...

"I theorized that the reason his personality changed is because of the phantom ruby or null space. Also, I doubt that he will regain his memories any time soon. He may just get deja vu from time to time but I think that is the extent of it...

"Metal, you know you don't have to listen to him anymore, you don't even have to listen to a word I say. With Eggman technically gone, you are free now. So long as you don't cause any trouble, we won't bother you."

The bot thinks of what the fox said. He is free. What will he do now...

"I am made to defeat Sonic. I will still defeat him even if my master is not in the right state of mind. For there can only be one Sonic!"

Tails crosses his arms and rolls his eyes at the robot's statement.

"Why not try to be a better hero or a friend then," he whispers under his breath.

Unbeknownst to him, Metal heard his comment. The bot stares at the ground. He thinks for a moment.

To be a better hero than Sonic? Being a hero is one of the most important thing to him. His friends is definitely one of, if not, the most important things to him. If I surpass him in those, I will be superior to him. He will be the one jealous of my achievements. I can also exploit this unique power that a high level of friendship can grant. Perhaps I can defeat him with this strategy.

Not like Eggman is coming back soon. He is stuck as Mr. Tinker. Maybe he will be proud if I can fulfil my purpose in a different way...

Metal Sonic

New Mission: Be a better hero and friend than Sonic

Mission Accepted

His eyes shine brighter that normal as his mission changes. He looks at the fox with a new plan and determination. Tails notices and backs away a bit.

"I have decided to take your words into consideration. I will be a far more superior hero and friend than Sonic."

Metal balls his fist and looks at it dramatically.

I think I might have accidentally did something to your programming when I added the voice box and disabled his weapons.

Tails says in his head just so the bot would surely not hear and get any ideas. To his surprise, the moral-switched robot jumps in front of him.

"Will you assist me? Or will you oppose my decision and stand in my way?"

The metal hedgehog's eyes glow as he says the last sentence. It is as if he is ready to shoot a laser at him. But he gives him a small smile.

"First off, I don't mind helping you be a hero and learn to be friends with others, so long as you don't hurt anyone. Second, threatening isn't the best way to start."

An idea then came to the fox's mind.

"Hey do you want me to make you less threatening? I won't do anything major. Just make you more expressive and maybe change your voice since the one I gave you is basically just Omega's voice. Would that be fine with you?"

He has a big smile on his face. The bot thinks for a moment.

"If it will make me better than the rat, then I will allow in. But I do warn to to not change my AI."

Again, he gives the gold kitsune his equipment of a death glare. Understandably, Tails nods and rewires Metal to the monitors. He debates weather to keep the bot activated or deactivate him for a bit, he decides to keep him activated.

"I'm gonna keep you powered on. Feel free to tell me if you want certain changes to be done. Also, I'm gonna put on some music."

The former killer robot nods and watches the fox turn on his music before working. He notes notes how both the kit and his old master would put on music before working, though the two share different tastes. A part of him does miss the times when he it being fixed by Eggman... he decides it's best not to show it.

Tails works on giving Metal Sonic better emoticons first. It took a a minute for the bot to get use to it, which he finds a but humorous. Then, he stats working on the voice box. He intentionally made it extremely high when he first edited it. It made him chuckle when the machine gave him a confused look. Slowly he starts making it deeper. Soon, his voice is now between Sonic and Shadow's voice.

"Looks like that's done."

He frees the bot from the wires of the monitor again and turns off his music.

"I should show this to Sonic."

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door.

"Tails, I know you are busy but dinner is getting cold so you should probably eat it."

The voice came from Mr. Tinker.

"Okay! Hold on, I'll be bring Metal with me."

With that he goes to the dining area and eats pasta with the man while Sonic eats chilly dogs. Metal Sonic just watched but is allowed to sit with them by Sonic.

Hello. I will start upadating once a weak. Also, feel free to comment what shenanigans you want this weird group to find themselves in. Also also, thank you for the readers of the previous chapters.

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