Chap 2: Who was Eggman?

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"So... Sonic do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

Tinker shifts a bit on the couch. Sonic gives a small shrug.

"I don't mind. Just fire away."

He places his foot on the coffee table infront of them.

"Who was Eggman?"

The hedgehog sighs and scratches his right cheek.

"Well... Eggman was just a nickname I gave him when I was a kid. His real name was Ivo Robotnik. I really don't know much about him personally. It is a bit difficult to explain him. There are a few things I know about him from when I fight him.

"I know a bit about his history. His grandfather was a genius that wanted to save his cousin so he made a deal with some mean aliens and created Shadow. But then the government found out. They killed his cousin and imprisoned his grandfather. His grandfather then went insane and tried to use Shadow to kill everyone on earth.

"I believe Eggman looked up to his grandfather. Heard that he was a decent guy at first. Thinking of ways to better the world. But he became the feared madman that I fought for most of my life. I don't really know much about the good him...

"The guy I know was a pretty messed up. Though there are time when I think he is okay. Like the adventure I had in the lost hex. I teamed up with him for the most part. But he betrayed me after I thought he died... Sometimes he would help us save the world! After he started a the mess... Hey at least he didn't try to destroy the world... for not... He really wasn't a good person...

"I met him when I was really really small. There was no way I would just sit back and watch. The guy was using live critters to power his robots! Don't really know how he did it but there are critters in the badniks like the ones that attacked the village. He also polluted many places and built his factories. Some of his chemical plants are still highly dangerous. Nature hasn't quite recovered. Well, at that point he was still relatively sane. Then he started looking for these chaos emeralds...

"Just so you know chaos emeralds really powerful. There are seven small ones and one big one that can nullify or amplify the smaller ones, we call the big one the master emeralds. They are extremely dangerous and can corrupt the mind. I use to collect them to beat Eggman but I always scatter them when I'm done using it. Heard someone got corrupted by the chaos energy that the endangered their entire species. Anyway, I have a theory that that same chaos energy is the reason why he went insane.

"... Now that I think about it. Never really got a proper life... For as long as I can remember it was always, he does something that endangers the planet, either me and/ or my friends try to stop him, he is beaten, we take a small break, and the cycle continues. Only difference is the threat level. Sometimes it is small, like he makes us race against him for the chaos emeralds or something. Then there are the world shattering stuff, literally. One time he literally shattered the world to seven peices by using the chaos emeralds, me, and the power of an unstable dark god. Sometimes I forget how scary he can be if he wants to.

"Still remember how painful is was when he turned me into that monster form. It was like everything in my body was being ripped a part. Not to mention the electrocution. Felling every ounce of my energy forcefully being taken away from me. Not to mention when he threw me out of space. I thought I was gonna die.

"But now, it's all in the past. He is gone now and I can finally figure out who I am. I can finally have a life... Just need to finish a few things and then I'm done. Gone are the days where I always have to save the plant. No more drama."

Sonic smile to himself at the thought of a quiet life. Suddenly, he finds himself in a tight hug. Tinker holds him as if he is gonna disappear any moment now. Unsure of what to do, he returns the hug. This just makes the man pull him closer but still gives him room to breath.

"What kind of monster would do that to children. To give them the responsibility of protecting the world? That is insane. And people though I was that! No, I will take care you and give you the lives you deserve. You, Tails, and even Metal. You have done enough."

The hedgehog cling to those words. His ears lower at the man strokes his head. He buries him self in the embrace. It was now that he realizes how tired he is. Tired of being the hero tired of others always relaying on him.

"Shhhhh... it's going to be okay. You'll be okay. Just let your emotions out."

Tinker hushh, continuing to stroke the hero. That is when we notice that he is crying. He has never cried in the past, not even when Eggman tortured him. His body starts to tremble as he recalls the illusions the mad man put him though. Now the same mad man is now comforting him.

No. This is not the same person. The man who stole he fought for most of his is gone and will probably never return. This man that is comforting him is the complete opposite of him.

They stayed like this until Sonic fell asleep. He is emotionally exhausted. Tinker can tell he never had those emotional episodes before. The former villain lets him rest and got a blanket. The sun is setting. They arrived there after lunch. He decides to make dinner.

Sonic sleeps soundly as he dreams of a peaceful future.

Shorter chapter with a lot of exposition. Apologize for any grammatical error. Thanks for reading.

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