I thought to myself, 'Bʁᴉuმ ɼᴉɻԍ ɻʁow ԍuԍʁმλ· ʁԍƨϝoʁԍ ʍμɑϝ μɑƨ pԍԍu ɼoƨϝ ɑuq wɑĸԍ ɑuԍʍ·' in the language my mother spoke in.

Just then, I heard something else. Laughter. Soft giggles from a small voice that sounded almost familiar.

"Do you like them, my little angel?" My mother's voice rang in my ears. I quickly opened my eyes and saw that I was no longer in my room.

I was standing in the middle of a grassy field with bright magenta flowers. The bright blue sky floated above us without a single cloud in it to block the warm sun.

I heard laughing behind me and turned around, and what I saw brought tears to my eyes.

It was my parents, my mother holding a small pastel blue bundle of cloth in her arms, and a small hand was reaching out of the cloth.

I walked closer, not knowing if this was a dream or some kind of memory, but either way, I had to see them.

Once I got closer, I could see my father's kind smile as he held one of the flowers in front of me.

"They're called Juniberry flowers, Saoirse. And one day, you'll be able to run through the fields with Allura." My father said.

"And maybe one day she'll be able to see the beautiful of the Lavoies flowers of Teshira." My mother said, smiling as my infant self laughed at the flower handed to me.

I missed my parents, even though I couldn't remember them very well. Just then, my eyes felt heavy and let them close.

When I openee them again, I was back in my room at the Castle of Lions, but something new was in my hands.

A bright magenta flower, which I remembered from my strange vision. It was a Juniberry flower from Altea. I smiled at my work, but I still didn't understand how.

Then Ryner's words rushed through my mind. The entire universe was made of the same cosmic dust, and Teshirians can control energy. Maybe I was controlling the cosmic dust that forms life, and that created the flower.

There's still so much I'll have to learn and understand.

I stood up from my bed and went over to my desk. A small cup was om the desk, so I put the flower in it so I wouldn't lose it. Allura and Coran will be thrilled to see a piece of their home.

I sighed and went to my bathroom to wash my face. I splashed the water on my face and dried it off, looking in the mirror and seeing my true form. I had to admit, even though this us what I'm suppose to look like, I much preferred my human appearance. I guess I wasn't used to not being in my human just yet.

I watched as my blue hair turned black and my Altean markings disappear. I smiled as I stared at my human reflection, but my silence was interrupted by Allura's voice shouting through the PA.

"Everyome, come to the Black Lion hangar! Keith found Shiro!"

I stood frozen for a second, then rushed out of my room to the Black Lion hangar. I was the last ome to get there as everyone else had already crowded around someone in front of the Black Lion.

"Everyone!" I shouted running towards everyone. They all turned towards me, some of them with tears in their eyes as I slowed down and finally stopped in front of Keith, and my long lost brother.

Takashi Shirogane, my older brother, was weak, thin, and had a wound on his left leg. His hair was long and shaggy, he had even had the start of a mustache and a beard.

"Takashi!" I shouted, kneeling down in front of Keith and Shiro, looking over my lost brother.

"Saoirse, he's really weak. We need to get him to a pod, now." Keith said. I nodded, reaching under Shiro's other arm and hauled him to the med bay with the others following us closely.

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