If You Like This...

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A common question I get is "I liked X, what else of yours do you think I would like?" Here are my standard answers.

I liked The Second To Last Human Alive

Everything You Know Is Wrong is a sister work. They're not set in the same universe but they intentionall share the same tone.

City of Sinister Angles is another comedy, although it's much darker. If you especially enjoyed the darker aspects of The Second To Last Human Alive you'll like this.

Audacity City is yet another comedy, this one a parody of superheroes. 

Utopia War is also extremely weird, light-hearted science fiction. Utopia War isn't a comedy however (although that's not to say it's entirely without jokes).

I liked Starship Armstrong

Ramses Meets His Maker is set in the same universe.

Pax Galactica and Utopia War are science fiction that takes the transhumanist and utopian themes in Starship Armstrong into overdrive. Utopia War is the more heady of the two, while Pax Galactica is more action oriented.

Lord of the Flies of the Rings is another episodic adventure where a group of quippy individuals take genre situations perhaps not as seriously as they should. It is, however, a fantasy story.

I liked Utopia War

Pax Galactica has a universe that is very similar, if you liked Utopia War you'll be right at home here, especially if you liked it for the worldbuilding, or utopian and transhumanist themes. This is really the only correct answer.

New Proxima is more material from the same universe.

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