Shared Universes

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The following is a list of all the stories which are set in the same universe, broken down by universe:

Galactic History

A fairly generic science fiction setting, owing to the fact that it was originally intended to be a public domain shared universe project but that part fizzled out. It lives on as the setting for Starship Armstrong, which is basically Star Trek meets Foundation by way of Joss Whedon. The universe basically only exists at this point to be the backdrop for Starship Armstrong.

Galactic History is the most grounded, least weird of my science fiction settings. I wouldn't call it hard science fiction but way harder than my usual handwavium-fueled space opera.

Stories: Starship Armtrong Seasons 1-3, Ramses Meets His Maker

Stories on other profiles: A Toast To The Magellan Class


The Concensus Universe is set in an ancient, crowded, lived-in galaxy teeming with alien civilizations. Humanity has trascended the human condition, becoming immortal beings with complete control over their physical forms. Uplifted animals and Artificial Intelligences make up a large percentage of the citizenry. Godlike superintelligences formed from unconscious hive-minds made up of almost the totality of the human species administer perfect societies where people's every need and desire is met, and they are free to pursue their own goals and interests respecting only the right of others to do the same.

It is a very upbeat universe, even if the scale of it means disasters are often measured in megadeaths.

Stories: Utopia War, New Proxima, Starship Odyssey

Pax Galactica

The Pax Galactica Universe is sort of a more toyetic version of the Concensus Universe. It has the same techno-utopianism (with a virtually identical unwritten backstory for the main human polity), set in a ultra high tech space opera setting, the same feeling of a crowded ancient galaxy.

While there are transhuman themes in both they are a bitt less prominent in Pax Galactica. The people living in the human civilization tend to be humans, rather than uplifted dogs or disembodied AIs or other weird entities. Mind-state retrieval technology isn't quite as prolific or powerful. There is no great species-wide hive mind running the civilization; instead ordinary humans are still responsible for their own destiny.

The main difference between the two is the galactic political situation in Utopia War is set up for diplomatic drama, while the political situation in Pax Galactica is set up for action/adventure.

Stories: Pax Galactica 1 & 2


I like to describe Thule as our world "upside down and backwards". When I'm trying to be cute I will go as far as to describe the tone as "grindark". Essentially it is a mixture of dark comedy and horror in a fantasy setting suspiciously similar to our own world. It is a world where the traditional fantasy elements and races have been stamped out by human imperialism. Unlike the standard fantasy setting the technology is more in line with the late 1700s to early 1800s.

The setting is steeped in irony and satire. Most of the protagonists are terrible people and it is a world where greed, corruption and oblivious stupidity are often rewarded. This is not heroic fantasy.

Stories: City of Sinister Angles

Nothing else is part of a series. Pax Galactica is NOT a prequel to Utopia war, they just have really similar settings. 

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