Chapter 4

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I'm back bishes.

Hey lovlies I'm back and I'm sorry that this is a very short chapter. I'm kind of having writers block with this story.

However, I have had plenty ideas for a Haikyuu fanfic, which is really frustrating. Like I want to write for this story but I just don't know what to write. But the other story? Oh god do I have ideas for it. 😒

Anyways thank you for reading and hope you enjoy😁💙

(Also I skipped over the fight scene with Bakuhoe. Sowwy.)

Leto managed to pin Bakugo to the ground with some of her rib bones. All Might called the match and declared she was the winner. A cheer slowly spread around the group of students that watched their match.

"Woah, I havent seen many people put Bakugo down like that!"

"That was so cool!"

"Kinda gross, but hot," said a voice with a lisp.

Leto looked over to a purple haired kid being wrapped up in tape. She frowned, panting and wiped sweat off her brow. She had taken her jacket off while fighting Bakugo so she would cool down and so she could access her ribs better. Needless to say, she wasn't exactly surprised she got a comment like that from the midget kid.

Bakugo's curses and screams brought her out of her mind.

"Well?! Are you going to let me out, you hag?!"

Leto raised an eyebrow and squatted next to him, "As long as you promise not to attack me if I let you go."

He bared his teeth and looked away, "Just let me out!"

"Not until you promise," she said, grabbing a few calcium tablets from one, of many, pockets, and took them.

"Tch, fine I promise."

"You promise what?"


Leto swore she saw a few of his veins pop. She sighed and stood up, holding her arm out.

"You need to sit still so I don't accidentally hit you."

She hardened  and used her ribs to cage him to the ground. She made sure they were hard enough so Bakugo couldn't break out, but not hard enough she couldn't cut it eith her bones. She realized that she must have looked terrifying; she had to have her ribs sticking out of her skin so they were ready to use.

Leto just shrugged and started forming s sword, hardening it all the way. She looked down at the caged in boy, "Now, don't move."

Bakugo rolled his eyes but listened and stopped moving. She swung the sword downwards, easily cutting the bones holding him in. Once he was free, he sprang up and shot Leto the stink eye. She ignored him and leaned down to pick up the broken bones.

"What were you taking earlier?" Bakugo asked from behind her.

"Ah, they were calcium tablets."

"Calcium tablets? Why the fuck would you take those?"

Leto furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips, she didn't know she would have to educate him on why calcium was important for the body.

"Well, Bakugo, bones are made of calcium," she paused, "Well, mostly made of calcium."

He shot her a look. It said, "I'm not a fucking idiot."

"It really shouldn't be hard to figure out. I use calcium to form my bones. The more bones I form, the more calcium I use. If I use too much of my body's natural calcium, my skeleton becomes brittle and so do the bones I'm trying to form. That is why I take calcium tablets, so I don't have to dip into the calcium my body needs to function."

"But people are only supposed to have so much calcium in their bodies. Wouldn't having excess be harmful?"

"My body is suited to hold more calcium, although, I do have a limit. If there is too much, my body starts dropping hardened fingertips," she replied, picking up the last bone.

Bakugo nodded towards the bones she had picked up, "Why are you collecting those?"

"My, my. Quite the curious one."

His rage exploded, "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO ANSWER, THEN DON'T!"

Leto gave him a sweet smile, "Its my job, while I'm here, to help educate you any way I can. I'm happy to answer any question you have."

He cocked an eyebrow, "Oh really? What's your status, then?"

She coughed, she walked into that one. She cleared her throat and rephrased, "I'm happy to answer most questions."

Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Why are you collecting those?"

"I'm going to grind them into powder and make more calcium tablets."

A look of disgust passed his face. He just shook his head and walked away.

"I will find out your status," he growled inside his head.

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