Chapter 2

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    When they got to the water world the sky was dark shade of grey. It looked like it was going to rain soon. The the sea was covered with a heavy fog. The ship hovered just above the water in front of a boat.

 Anakin turned to the Clone piloting the ship

 " Why did we stop, we still are a while away where need to go." 

The Clone replied, " The fog is too thick to see navigate through, so for the rest of the trip you will be going by boat."

 " Boat? I wasn't told anything about a boat."

 " General Kenobi arranged the boat pick up sir." 

" Oh, I should have known." Anakin walked out of the cockpit and went to find Obi Wan. 

Obi Wan was preparing the troops. 

"So Master, I see you forgot to tell me about something." 

Obi Wan turned to Anakin already knowing what he was talking about, " Well if I told you about the boat you would complain the whole way here and I wasn't in the mood to listen to you try and convince me other wise."

 Anakin looked down, " Good point." 

" It's the best way to get to there. It is supposed to storm and flying would be a bad idea in this kind of weather." Obi Wan saw Anakin's worried face. 

"Anakin, its perfectly safe." he said reassuringly. 

" If you say so Master."

 " I'm sure. Were're about board the boat. Ahsoka is in the back with Master Plo getting the rest of the troops ready by the way. 

" Thanks." Anakin said as he was heading towards the door.


When Anakin got to the hanger he looked for his Padawan. Ahsoka and Plo Koon were playing a game of Dejarik.

 " Ha! I beat you!" Ahsoka excitedly exclaimed. 

Plo Koon smiled under his mask " I let you win." 

 Ahsoka smiled back and rolled her eyes. " Sure you did." She scoffed.  

Ahsoka saw her Master standing in the entrance. 

" Skyguy, over here." She called signalling to their position. 

" I just beat Master Plo in Dejarik." She announced proudly.

 " Did you now." Anakin grinned. " Are you ready to get on the boat?" 

" Yep. I've never been on one, but it sounds exciting." 

Anakin looked at her in shock. " Wait you knew?" 

She smirked,  " Let me guess, Obi Wan didn't tell you because he knew you would complain." 

" You got that right."

 " Lil Soka and I were just waiting for you and Kenobi to get down here. The troops are waiting to board. We must make haste if we are going to get though this storm." Plo Koon told Anakin. 

Just then the hanger opened up. A ramp dropped down onto the hanger floor. Obi Wan came up to his fellow Jedi. 

"Ready to board?" 

"Lets go." Anakin replied.  The troops boarded the decent sized vessel. By now the rain had started. The wind was howling. The sky was growing darker. The ship's captain pulled the ramps up and they were off. 


    Ahsoka stood at the edge of the railing looking out at the gloominess of the ocean. Plo Koon joined her.

" How you like it so far Lil' Soka."

 " Its wonderful. The cool sea breeze feels nice. Its good to be out of the temple and away from the battle field, even if it is to go to another fight." 

"Hmm, indeed it is." 

Plo Koon himself thought it was nice to be out of the temple and away from the council and its endless amounts of problems. Being a Jedi was stressful and any kinda of break from war was a luxury for them.

  A beep from Plo Koon's comm broke the silence. "General Koon, General Kenobi and Skywalker are ready for the mission briefing." 

Plo Koon thanked him and started to find his way to the briefing room. 

He turned to see Ahsoka still leaning on the railing. 

" Coming Soka?"

 Ahsoka snapped out of her trace, " Right behind you." She said taking in one last breath of the stormy breeze before running to catch up.

Okay, I couldn't wait, I needed to write just one more. I promise that there will be more action in the next chapters. Remember to comment your thoughts. I would really like to know how you like the story so far :)


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